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About Us

IATSE Local 728 Studio Electrical Lighting Technicians was chartered on May 15th, 1939, to cover work in their jurisdiction of the Motion Picture Industry. This was eventually extended to Television, and now Streaming Productions

Lighting Technicians are responsible for the installation and removal of temporary electrical power systems, lighting control systems and lighting instruments necessary for the making of motion pictures and television production, including live performance productions, commercials and webisode productions. From Chief Lighting Technicians (Gaffers) to Assistant Chief Lighting Technicians (Best Boy/Girl), as well as Lighting Console Programmers (Board Ops) to the essential Rigging Departments led by the Chief Rigging Technicians, their Assistants (ACRTs), Fixtures, Lighting Control and the Technicians that support them all and do the work. We are the ONLY ALL-LIGHTING Local in IATSE. We have unparalleled skills, a nationally recognized training program and are available to serve shows worldwide!

Studio Electrical Lighting Technicians were initially a part of IATSE Local 37, the Hollywood 'Super' Local that encompassed several studio backlot crafts and was the largest local in the country. When some members of Local 37 (dubbed the "37 White Rats") rebelled and formed a rival union in protest of the believed collusion that existed between studio bosses, IATSE leadership and organized crime, the International Alliance broke up Local 37. In 1939, IATSE split Local 37 and created Locals 728, 727, 80 and 44. 

Local 728 Charter from 1939


IATSE Local 728 Charter 1939




Martin Weeks 

Vice President 
Malakhi Simmons
Business Representative - Secretary 
Greg Reeves
Treasurer - Call Steward
Pascal M. Guillemard 
Safety & Training Director 
Alan M. Rowe 
Assistant Business Agent 
Jonathan Epstein 

Office Staff 
Sean Harkess 
Julianna Bessey 
Brenda Aldaba 

Executive Board Members 

Jason Young 
Janette Shugart 
Jeremy Schonwald 
Jim Cornick 
Fernando Montes 
Lorne MacDougall 
Matt Heinz 
Michael Orefice Sr. 
Bobby DeChellis 
Greg Mayer 
Darryl Herzon 
Iain O'Higgins  - 1st Alternate 
David Graves - 2nd Alternate



Robin Strickland


Shop Stewards 

Jose J. Martinez – 20th Century Fox 
Michelle LeDoux – Radford Studios 
Julio Gomez – Paramount 
John Jacobs – Sony 
Ted Rapp – Universal 
William Brown – Warner Brothers

Charlie McIntyre - Chairperson 
Max Schwartz 
Dennis Grow 
Jeremy Schonwald  - Executive Board Liaison

IATSE District 2 Convention Delegates

Greg Reeves 
Alan Rowe 
Pascal Guillemard 
Martin Weeks 
Dennis Grow 
Jason Young 
Malakhi Simmons 
Jeremy Schonwald 
Michael Gips 
Laura Stewart 
Lorne McDougall 
Michael Orefice Sr. 
Iain O'Higgins 
Jimmy "C" Cornick 

Matt Heinz 
Janette Shugart 
Daryl Herzon 
Stephanie Choi 
Fernando Montes 
Max Schwartz 
Hector Corona 
David Graves 
Jane Krueger 
Monty Woodard 
Dustin Gardner 
Cristian Delgado 
Vincent Contarino

Delegates to the Central Labor Council of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor – AFL/CIO 

"House of Labor" 

Greg Reeves 
Martin Weeks 
Malakhi Simmons 
Dennis K. Grow 
Lorne McDougall 
Matt Heinz 
S. Cricket Peters 
Jimmy "C" Cornick 

Studio Electrical Lighting Technicians 

Local 728 of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees 
1001 W. Magnolia Blvd. 
Burbank, CA 91506 
[email protected] 

(818) 954-0728 
(800) 551-2158 
Fax (818) 954-0732 

Business hours 
8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.  - Monday through Friday

Call Steward Office Hours 
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Monday through Friday 

For urgent hiring needs outside of normal business hours, Local 728 members please call: 

Member Status Requests:  [email protected] 

If inquiring about joining IATSE Local 728, please click here for Future Member Resources

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