How can I become a member of I.A.T.S.E. Local 728 and what are CSATF requirements? You must work 30 "permitted hire" days for a signatory producer and be placed on one of two industry rosters in order to qualify for membership in I.A.T.S.E. Local 728.If begin work on a non-union show, call the Business Representative of Local 728. He will make every attempt to organize the show.For more information read; Joining Local 728 and CSTAF Requirements When do I have to pay my dues? Dues must be paid quarterly on or before January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and October 1st. Any member who accepts work while delinquent is subject to a $50.00 late charge per instance. How much are dues? For 2024, dues are $305.00 for 1st quarter. Thereafter, $315.00 for 2nd,3rd, & 4th quarters for Active members. For Retirees, the dues are $116.00 per year with a $10,000 life insurance policy or $232.00 per year with a life insurance policy of $20,000. When are the Membership meetings? Generally Membership meetings are held the second Saturday of odd numbered months, but the exact Saturday can vary due to scheduling conflicts. Click on the CALENDAR tab to see when this year's meetings are being held. Members who attend meetings in their entirety are eligible for a $15.00 dues discount. Where are the Membership meetings held? The meetings are held at IATSE Local 728, 1001 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank, CA 91506. You must be a member in good standing with a current and stamped union card in order to attend. How can I contact a member? Call the Local, or look in the online directory. How do I get "on the books" to find work? You can call the office at 818-954-0728, text the Call Steward at 818-918-2728, or add / remove your name from the lists here on our website. Only 728 members in good standing who are ready to go to work can be on the availability list.