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4-28-2020 Actor's Fund Assistance

Sisters, Brothers, Kin —

In this time of uncertainty around COVID-19, The Actors Fund is here for all IATSE members.

The Fund is distributing emergency financial assistance to help IATSE members in immediate financial need to cover basic living expenses, to help prevent evictions, and to pay for food, essential medications or utilities and more.

To apply for this assistance online, visit The Actors Fund website at

In addition, The Actors Fund has compiled a list of COVID-19 resources that may be helpful to IATSE members, and also offers free online workshops, groups and seminars on career, financial wellness, health insurance, affordable housing and more. You can opt-in to receive The Actors Fund’s monthly e-blast for the most up-to-date seminar schedule.

Visit to learn more.

In solidarity,
The IATSE C.A.R.E.S. Task Force
