With the IATSE C.A.R.E.S. (Coronavirus Active Response and Engagement Service) program well underway, we are now ready to roll out the next phase: C.A.R.E. calls. With C.A.R.E. calls, we are on a mission to check in with every member. In these calls volunteers provide members with information about the various support initiatives available through the international. We will be attempting to sign up more Members In Need for our delivery system and buddy system, as well as drive members to our Financial Aid and mental health non-profit partners. We expect the first of these calls to go out early next week. If you receive any questions about these calls, please be sure to reassure members that these calls are legitimate. Please respond to this email or reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. In solidarity, The IATSE C.A.R.E.S. Task Force iatsecares.org Sections Good & Welfare