Tell Congress to support legislation to fix our crumbling infrastructure to create good union jobs and keep our communities safe. Sign the Petition Once a symbol of national pride, our infrastructure is crumbling. Our roads, bridges, aviation, maritime, rail and transit networks need major upgrades. Investment in our infrastructure will increase safety for all Americans and create and sustain good jobs. In turn, such jobs will boost economic development, helping working people in every field. The AFL-CIO has launched a major effort to secure funding and staff to upgrade our nation's aging infrastructure and energy-saving retrofits. D+ The grade America's infrastructure received on the 2017 Infrastructure Report Card. It's time for America's infrastructure to once again be the envy of the world. The neglect of our country's roads, bridges and transportation systems is "so pervasive, it threatens our economic future." Did You Know Union members helped build the tallest skyscraper in the Western Hemisphere, Freedom Tower, which was constructed on the site of the World Trade Center building. REPORT The Looting of Puerto Rico's Infrastructure Fund Carlos M. Garcia's destructive fiscal policies hurt Puerto Rico once. Could it happen again? April 18, 2017 BLOG Unionized Scientists March in Protest of Attacks on Science and Jobs Of all the attacks on our civil society, the attacks on evidence-based science pose perhaps the greatest existential threat. Decisions being made about climate science and environmental protection at this critical time will shape the future of our planet. April 11, 2017 SPEECH Trumka Pledges Solidarity at Steelworkers Convention When all workers have a say in our pay and working conditions, we will start to close the gap between the rich and the rest of us. We will lift up families and communities. We will build the America our founders envisioned, our parents built and our children deserve. April 10, 2017 SPEECH Trumka to Machinists Transportation Conference: It Is High Time We Take Our Country Back This is America, the richest country in the world at our richest time in history. Everybody should have the right to a job and the power to make it a good job, and that means you should be able to bargain with your employer, whether you’re in a union or not. And it all starts with solidarity. April 4, 2017 SPEECH Labor’s Future: Bargaining for All The law today only requires employers to bargain with recognized unions, so we are proposing something bolder and better. Every worker, everybody, deserves a job and the power to make it a good job, to bargain for higher wages, safe working conditions and retirement security. Sections Political Action