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Hundreds Of Warehouse Workers To Vote On Union December 22nd

On December 22nd hundreds of California Cartage warehouse workers are having a union election. It's bringing temps together with direct hire warehouse workers as these workers stand up for their labor rights.

While they are boldly trying to organize to improve their wages and working conditions, they say their bosses are waging a nasty anti-union campaign.

The Warehouse Worker Resource Center says Core Employee Management is violating labor law by using intimidation tactics in one-on-one meetings with the low-wage warehouse workers while also deceiving them.

The Warehouse Worker Resource Center is calling on the public to call the bosses using these anti-union tactics against their workers and tell them to stop breaking labor law.

Here are the bosses names and phone numbers where you can reach them with a message of pro-labor support for these warehouse workers.

Hermann Rosenthal is Cal Cartage General Manager. His number is (562) 590-7026. Lisa Lyons is Vice-President of Core Employee Management. Her number is (323) 722-6232.
