IATSE Member Aid list
This list was compiled by the IATSE Motion Picture & Television Department and will be updated as we receive corrections to the existing information or additional resources to add. If you are a member with questions about how to apply for specific aid please reach out to your local for assistance.
Last update - Original document shared 2/07/23
Motion Picture & TV Fund – primary source of industry support for Los Angeles based industry workers
Industry non-profit that may provide direct emergency financial assistance towards basic living expenses, such as housing and food. This hardship fund offers aid that is supplemental but never able to be at a level where the funds could fully support all unemployed workers’ needs.
For those under 65, please call our intake line at (323) 634-3888.
For those 65 or over, please call (323) 634-3866
Additional services include help navigating government benefits, finding alternative health insurance options, palliative care, veterans benefit assistance, social connectivity, caregiving resources, and more. MPTF’s highly trained social workers are available to help you deal with many of life’s challenges, managing stress, improving work-life balance, coping with life transitions, disability, or illness, aging challenges, caring for a loved one or loss of a loved one. They also work regularly with a large variety of community agencies and other relief organizations, and resources tailored to the needs of members of the entertainment industry.
The Entertainment Community Fund (formerly the Actors Fund) – primary source of industry support for based industry workers nationally.
Emergency financial assistance program provides temporary financial assistance to industry workers with documented financial need due to unforeseen circumstances, application required.
Contact an office nearest to you:
Eastern Region - [email protected] - (917) 281-5919
Central Region - [email protected] - (312) 372-0989
Western Region - [email protected] - (323) 330-2455
Additional services:
Workshops and general resources on dealing with a work stoppage
Free and confidential social service programs address a wide array of challenges faced by people in performing arts and entertainment. Professional social workers offer support, counseling, and practical help. If you would like to speak with a social worker, click on application or contact an office nearest to you.
Calendar of workshops - mindfulness, financial wellness, job search, apartment hunting and more
Support groups - for many different issues ranging from anxiety issues to grief
Hollywood Support Staff Relief Fund (scroll down in list)
This is an Entertainment Community Fund managed aid fund.
Qualifications include:
Employed as a film or television assistant or support staff in Los Angeles or New York for no more than three of the most recent years.
Job loss or on hiatus due to work stoppage.
Documented need.
Labor Community Services – for Los Angeles union members
The Labor Community Services team at the LA Fed have an assistance program that can help union members with bill pay, rent assistance, and more. To apply for the assistance program, please fill out the LCS Assistance Intake Form.
NYC Mayor’s Office of Media & Entertainment
Resources for Creative Sector Workers page, with recorded zoom webinars and links.
Behind the Scenes - for entertainment technology professionals who are seriously ill or injured. They are unable to provide financial assistance due to strikes.
The Basic Needs Grant- For entertainment technology professionals who are seriously ill or injured and are seeking assistance with basic living expenses (such as rent or mortgage, property taxes, utilities, insurance and transportation) or for medical expenses (including health insurance, doctor and hospital bills, medication, physical therapy, home health care, and medical equipment. This grant is also appropriate if the eligible person has an immediate, dependent family member who is seriously ill or injured.
The Counseling Grant - For entertainment technology professionals who would like to initiate or support ongoing counseling or participate in an in-patient or out-patient chemical dependency recovery program. Grants are issued directly to the recipient’s self-selected provider, which must be a licensed social worker, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, mental health facility, emergency medical facility, or chemical dependency recovery facility.
The Funeral Assistance Grant - For immediate family members of an entertainment technology professional who has passed away and assistance with funeral costs is needed.
Have earned your living for at least five years in the entertainment technology industry. This means that your major source of income is from your work in this industry, which includes being directly involved with a production-related craft:
Behind the scenes in any type of performance venue, or
Behind the camera, or
On the road, or
Work for companies who are directly involved in supplying entertainment technology products and services such as dealers, manufacturers, production or rental companies, consultants, and design firms.
You do not need to be currently working in the industry as long as your time out of the industry is less than the total time you worked in the industry, unless you are retired or on permanent disability.
Benefits Cal – California residents
Members whose income has been affected by lack of work, you may be eligible for food aid, cash aid, medical benefits, and general relief programs detailed here:
Apply directly here: benefitscal.com/ApplyForBenefits/ABOVR
If you create an account, you can manage multiple applications and save your progress. benefitscal.com/AccountManagement/AMCYA
MPI WELLNESS PROGRAM – for those with MPI healthcare coverage
Mental and Behavioral health support and therapy
Substance use disorder support and programs
Weight loss programs
Diabetes prevention programs
Quit smoking and vaping programs
Free weekly health and fitness Zoom classes
Gym Membership Discount programs
Financial Fitness classes and private consultations
Optum-Live and Work Well - support and resources that can help you and your family including therapist search tool, discount legal services, and more. Create an account through MPI or contact your local for assistance.
Wellbeing in Creative Arts and Entertainment – supports the health, safety and wellbeing of entertainment workers on and off the picket lines!
Virtual Support Groups - connect with others experiencing entertainment-related stress.
Third Friday of Every Month – 1-2 pm PST / 4 - 5 pm EST
Lights On! Mental Health Podcast – vulnerable conversations about the entertainment and creative arts industries, mental health, trauma, therapy, racism, and sexism.
Hope for the Day -
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline - If you or someone you know is in crisis, call or text 988 to reach the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, chat with them online via their website, or text HOME to 741741 (multiple languages available). If this is an emergency, call 911.
Find Help Search Tool - allows you to find help in your area for tons of different things including reduced-cost mental health resources in your community, assistance options for food, housing, goods, transportation, health, financial aid, care, education, work, and legal help.
24-hour hotline Los Angeles 1323-936-4343 or email [email protected]
24-hour hotline Thousand Oaks. (805) 495-1111
LA County 24/7 Substance Abuse Service Hotline (SASH) (844) 804-7500
National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-(800)-799-7233
State of California Victims Compensation and Government Claims Board - Helps victims of violent crime and their families deal with the emotional, physical, and financial aftermath of crime.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline Call: 988
For information on any possible bridge aid through MPI or NBF please reach out to your local.
Entertainment Health Insurance Solutions - MPTF (primarily LA crew) and ECF (primarily outside LA), through Entertainment Health Insurance Solutions, work together to support members in finding alternative health coverage if you fall off the plans.
Annette Greene (Director of Entertainment Health Insurance Solutions) gave a presentation outlining options for IATSE members who may be in danger of losing MPI Health coverage, from Local 705.
The Union Solidarity Coalition
The Union Solidarity Coalition is an organization of writers and directors who wanted to help support IATSE and Teamsters kin during the strike. Their current focus is offering direct financial support to crew members who have lost health insurance due to the strike.
Benefits Check Up Rx - Connects you to programs that will help financially for people 55 and over.
Covered California - Free connections to cheap name-brand private insurance. Would recommend contacting MPTF for assistance with this.
Georgia Mini-Cobra - Small-business workers who meet additional conditions can apply for a 3-month coverage package.
New York State of Health - To view healthcare plans, eligibility information, and apply for free/low-cost coverage, make an account here.
New York Cobra
If you live in New York and are losing your entertainment union health insurance, you may be eligible for a 75% discount off your COBRA rate.
There is information on New York State's COBRA Premium Assistance for Entertainment Industry Employees here.
People can request an application for COBRA assistance either through MPI, through the Entertainment Community Fund or by emailing NY's Department of Financial Services (DFS) at [email protected].
Los Angeles Based medical services possibly available at lower costs
Walk In GYN Care – full-service walk-in center for Women's Health offering 30% off to all entertainment industry workers affected by the strike. Open 7 days a week and take walk-ins and appointments. Services include:
Well Woman Cash package
STD testing
Ultrasound on site
Pregnancy testing, birth control, reproductive care
Pelvic pain, Fibroids
Early pregnancy medical terminations
L.A. County Health Services - Free / Low-Cost Health Care, Ability to Pay Plan, PPP Clinics
313 N Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA 90012
(800) 427-8700
The Wellness Center - Free / Low-Cost Health Care
1200 N State St. Los Angeles, CA 90033
Olive View Medical Center - Free / Low-Cost Health Care
14445 Olive View Dr. Sylmar, CA 91342
(818) 364-1555
First 5 LA – Agency list serving clients in Spanish & English. Free/Low-Cost Health Care for Kids
(888) 347-7855
The Clinic Ruth Temple Health Center - Free / Low-Cost Health Care
3834 S. Western Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90062
(323) 295-6571
AltaMed Health Services
7 Southern CA Locations Free / Low-Cost Health, Dental & Senior Care
L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center - Services vary at the four locations
Women’s Health Services - Free / Low-Cost Health Care
Classes, resource services, shelter,
Support groups
Tarzana Treatment Centers - Health Care, training, education & court related services. Various locations
UCLA Dentistry - School of Dentistry two Locations. Choose a student, resident or faculty dentist.
USC Dentistry - School of Dentistry. Choose a student, resident or faculty dentist.
State unemployment benefits, paid family leave, and short-term disability leave (may be inclusive of mental health as determined by your provider).
Gather required information (Valid CA identification, most recent employer’s information, employment history over the past 18 months (may be available through payroll company)).
Create an account on myEDD: myedd.edd.ca.gov/s/login
Submit information and fill out required forms.
For detailed instructions on applying and filing a claim: edd.ca.gov/en/unemployment/apply/
Gather required information (Valid CA Identification, Social Security number, most recent employer’s information per W-2 or paystub).
Create an account on myEDD: myedd.edd.ca.gov/s/login
Register for SDI Online via your myEDD account.
File your DI/PFL through SDI Online by selecting New Claim and specifying the type of claim you wish to follow.
(DI ONLY) Get your licensed healthcare professional to complete the Medical Certification.
For more details on filing a Disability Insurance/Paid Family Leave claim through SDI Online
Note: You must complete identity verification through ID.me before filing a claim. It may be necessary to send some documents through the mail.
Additional helpful links:
Unemployment Insurance: File Claims, Payment Information, General Information
Contact your local with specific questions about filing for EDD and any specific assistance resources they might have for members. Additionally, if you still need assistance or clarification when filing an EDD claim please contact your State Assemblymember’s office as they typically have staff dedicated to helping with EDD claims: https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov
For Georgia members seeking unemployment insurance, the MyUI claimant portal lets you file claims, request benefits, and view determinations.
NEW YORK STATE Department of Labor
For New Yorkers seeking unemployment assistance, you can apply through your NY.gov account.
Labor Commissioner Roberta Reardon narrates this video tutorial on filing an application for unemployment benefits: youtu.be/IynNsoJbdL0
Need Help Paying Bills - list of organizations and grants available to those struggling financially.
Offers grants designed to promote the self-sufficiency of individuals and families who, because they are working and live just above the poverty level, are ineligible for most types of conventional social assistance but who, all the same, are living one or two lost paychecks away from the kind of financial catastrophe that eventually leads to homelessness.
Individuals and families are eligible to apply for assistance from Modest Needs if:
You are at least 18 years of age;
You are a legal resident of the United States or Canada;
You intend to apply for assistance either for yourself, or for a person living in your home;
Your household has at least one active bank account OR has filed a Federal Tax Return within in the past two years;
You have regular access to a computer and the Internet and can check your email and the Modest Needs website daily for the entire time that your application is active;
You have the ability to access a scanner or a fax machine for long enough to scan and upload or fax the documentation to support your application that Modest Needs will request from you during the grant application process;
If you rent (rather than own) your home, your household has a legal lease that your landlord and a member of your household both have signed. This lease must show the monthly cost of your rental, whether or not you pay all of this amount yourself;
Your household passes our 'income' and 'employment' tests, both of which are explained in the application process.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Helps keep families safe and healthy through initiatives that assist families with energy costs. We provide federally funded assistance in managing costs associated with: home energy bills, energy crises, weatherization and energy-related minor home repairs
Call: 1-866-674-6327
Email [email protected] Include your city, county, & state in the email
US Department of Housing and Urban Development
Find your local Public Housing Agency (PHA) for assistance here
If you need advice on any housing concern, contact a HUD-approved housing counseling agency or call toll-free (800) 569-4287.
This tool was created by the Pew Charitable Trusts and the Stanford Legal Design Lab. Use it to find your local legal rules about housing, eviction, rent, and landlord-tenant issues. You can also find groups and guides that can help you with housing assistance.
Find your local Public Housing Agency (PHA) for assistance here
Rebuilding Together - Services to improve the homes and lives of low-income homeowners
Home Advisor (formerly Service Magic) - Connects pre-screened service professionals
including Disability service contractors. Toll Free: (866) 384-1080
CALIFORNIA Mortgage Relief Program - Homeowners can apply for mortgage relief including loan deferment and property taxes. Check if you qualify for mortgage relief.
Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS) Los Angeles mortgage relief program for landlords with 1-4 rental properties, restrictions apply.
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) – California residents
May be eligible for a one-time utility assistance if you meet the income requirements.
Housing is Key – California residents
Rental Assistance | Mortgage Relief Program | Eviction Protections |Utility payment assistance.
Affordable LA Housing - Los Angeles Housing Dept rental locations
The Housing Authority – Los Angeles housing option & services
Available to help NY members with every step of foreclosure and homeownership at cnycn.org/how-we-help/ or 646-786-0888.
Additional resources include a free financial health toolkit toolkit.cnycn.org/ and homeownership resources homeownerhelpny.org/.
Massachusetts Affordable Connectivity Program
ACP helps people pay for:
Internet service, and
A laptop, tablet, or desktop computer.
You can get ACP if:
Your income is 200% or less than the Federal Poverty Level. Or
Your household qualifies for a low-income program that a participating Internet provider already offers. Or
At least 1 member of your household gets help from:
Medicaid (Most types of MassHealth),
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP),
Supplemental Security Income (SSI),
Federal Public Housing Assistance including Section 8,
Veterans’ Pension and Survivors’ Benefit,
Pell Grant in the current award year,
Tribal Programs
Free and Reduced Price School Lunch or Breakfast Program
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program.
IATSE/Teamster FOOD DRIVE @ IATSE West Coast Office - Friday, July 28, 2023, from 10 AM to 1 PM
Sponsored by The LA County Federation of Labor AFL- CIO & The LA Community Services Organization
Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC)
The WIC program aims to safeguard the health of low-income women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk by providing nutritious foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating, and referrals to health care.
CalFresh Program
Federally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is a federal nutrition program (formerly known as Food Stamps) that provides eligible residents with monthly financial assistance to purchase food and other benefits that help you save. They issue monthly electronic benefits that can be used to buy most foods at many markets and food stores up to $234.00 per month.
Counselors from Project Bread can help you apply. You can call them at 1-800-645-8333 or chat with a counselor on their website here.
Senior/Older Adults: For meals in LA County and City of LA, call (800) 510-2020
The largest charity working to end hunger in the United States | Offers assistance locating the nearest food bank, food pantry, or other local food program to bring food to people facing hunger, as well as support applying for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits.
Labor Community Services (LCS) – for Los Angeles union members
Hosts Food Distributions on an on-going basis in various communities, and most distributions are open to members of any union and the entire community.
For a list of upcoming distributions please visit: https://lcs-la.org/events
LA Food Bank - Provide resources for local food banks and distribution centers.
Humanitas Groceries for Writers - helps staff writers and other early career WGA members with $100 grocery gift cards.
WGA captain Joelle Garfinkel helps run a grocery aid fund for Los Angeles entertainment workers. (note - has been open to workers beyond lower-level WGA Writers, Support Staffers, & PreWGA writers but has also been prioritizing those not currently eligible for unemployment. – because being on strike or unemployment has been used up)
World Harvest Food Bank in Mid City LA is giving away free groceries to writers and actors on strike. Food available to others for a flat fee or 4 hours of volunteering.
Partners with companies, non-profits, and others to offer discounts and assistance (mortgage assistance, insurance plans (auto, renters, homeowners, Medicare), scholarships, credit counseling and debt settlement, medical bill negotiating and more) to active union members.
Hardship Help benefits are designed to help union members when they've fallen on hard times, such as when their union goes on strike, they get laid off, or even disabled.
Mortgage Counseling - If you’re facing mortgage payment problems, talk to a HUD-certified housing counselor. It’s free and confidential.
Mortgage assistance - ONLY for mortgages through Union Plus
Catholic Charities - Services for food, homelessness, emergency assistance and case management
AFL-CIO Community Services comprehensive searchable list of aid and services.
The United Way - Chronic unemployment. Financial illiteracy. Homelessness. In communities around the world, individuals and families are facing financial obstacles that prevent a good quality of life.
Benefits Finder - Questionnaire to determine if you qualify for any government benefit programs
211 - or call 2-1-1
Will connect you to resources available in your region related to food security, transportation, utility assistance, behavioral health, and more
211 Los Angeles - Serves all of Los Angeles County as a link between people with problems and service organizations within the community such as childcare, family counseling, substance abuse treatment, consumer assistance, help for aging parents, legal referrals. Available 24/7; calls are free and confidential.
Hope for the Day - Use the Resource Compass to find local organizations and grants that can aid with issues like housing, transportation, government benefits, food, and more. You can filter by demographics, need, income, etc.
Strike For Our Rights is a non-profit organization devoted to empowering workers in the United States to leverage the value of their labor as a tool for collective action. We provide education around the history and efficacy of strikes, as well as resources and financial assistance to striking workers. Form to request strike assistance.
Community Action Agencies – Some Community Action Agencies provide emergency assistance in the form of food, advocacy, shelter, prescription assistance, emergency transportation assistance, and respond to a wide array of crisis situations.
Salvation Army - Some Salvation Army chapters provide emergency financial assistance for housing or utilities. The amount and type of financial assistance programs will vary widely by center and state.
Inevitable Foundation - Has a financial aid fund for WGA writers with disabilities.
Chirp Los Angeles - Wide variety of financial and social services in the greater LA area.
CalWORKs is a public assistance program, for California residents, that provides cash aid and services to eligible families that have a child(ren) in the home.
Will Rogers Motion Picture Pioneers Foundation
Provides financial aid and supportive counseling to individuals who work in theatrical exhibition, distribution and vendors exclusive to either sector, for a minimum of five recent years, who are encountering an illness, accident or injury.
A team of social workers confidentially assesses the needs and financial difficulties of motion picture industry members and provides aid to support health and well-being when income and assets are limited. The program currently has six types of assistance to help those in need: Social Service Consultations, the Salah Hassanein Medical Grant, Medical Equipment Aid, Vocational Rehabilitation, the Bernie Myerson Emergency Grant (temporary financial aid for housing, utilities, food, burial or cremation costs), and the Tom Sherak Pioneer Grant (monthly stipend for frail or disabled low-income senior veterans)). Financial aid is not available to treat alcohol or substance abuse. To request an application for financial aid call (888) 994-3863, ext. 2390, or email us.
Miscellaneous Artists Aid - Emergency Aid Resources — Artists' Fellowship, Inc. (artistsfellowship.org)
GEORGIA Department of Community Affairs - Statewide housing resources for free and affordable housing programs
NEW YORK 311 - NY members can access housing, employment assistance including unemployment insurance, and benefits at portal.311.nyc.gov or by calling 311.
First Entertainment Credit Union
First Entertainment Credit Union is a not-for-profit financial institution headquartered in Hollywood that provides resources and support to those within the entertainment industry. The Credit Union has several programs available to help their members navigate the strike with as little impact as possible to their personal finances, including a program to skip payments if you hold certain loans with them as well as emergency relief loans. Please visit their website for full details. If you’re not yet a First Entertainment member, you can get additional information and easily join here, then take advantage of the resources they are providing.
SAG-AFTRA Federal Credit Union - also offer payment assistance and work disruption loans
If someone is out of work due to the strikes, they can apply for a 0% interest loan up to $3,000. Remind friends and family that because we are a non-profit, and not a bank, our loans come with zero interest and zero fees, so you only repay the amount borrowed. This means you can focus on what truly matters - getting these negotiations sorted out and getting back to work.
0% interest loans to cover:
Basic living expenses, including rent, food, and utilities.
Childcare expenses.
Other emergency expenses.
Please click here to learn more. All borrowers must be residents of Los Angeles, Ventura, or Santa Barbara counties, cannot have a current loan with JFLA, and must have a guarantor on the loan. regardless of religion, gender, or race.
Updated Los Angeles - WGA restaurant discounts (includes some for IATSE or picketers in general)
IATSE’s Training Trust Fund
IATSE offers free educational opportunities to members through the TFF, such as:
LinkedIn Learning: There are over 15,000 courses available for members. Whether you’re looking to learn how to build and design your own website, improve your marketing skills, or are just interested in learning something new, LinkedIn has a course for that.
OSHA 10-Hour General Industry with a focus on the entertainment industry
Safety First offers a specific course for makeup artists and hairstylists that focuses on best practices for sanitation.
For members who work under ASA contracts: Motion Picture Television Workers Online Safety Training.
Walsh/ Di Tolla/ Spivak Scholarship
Members with children in their senior year of high school can apply for a total of $10,000 in scholarship funds paid out over a four-year period. Members must be in good standing, students who are already in college or taking a gap year do not qualify. (Deadline 12/31 each year)
Alabama AFL-CIO - https://www.alaflcio.com/
Alabama Altogether - https://altogetheralabama.org/
Alabama Catholic Charities - https://www.catholiccharitiesbhm.org/
Alabama Department of Health - https://www.alabamapublichealth.gov/index.html
Alabama Department of Labor - https://labor.alabama.gov/unemployment.aspx
Alabama Food Pantries - https://www.foodpantries.org/st/alabama
Alabama Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/alabama.html
Alabama Salvation Army - https://salvationarmyalm.org/
Alabama United Way - https://www.unitedwaysofalabama.org/
Alaska AFL-CIO - http://www.akaflcio.org/
Alaska Unemployment Benefits - https://labor.alaska.gov/unemployment/
Alaska Department of Labor - https://labor.alaska.gov/
Food Bank of Alaska - https://foodbankofalaska.org/
Alaska Food Pantries - https://anchoragefood.org/
Alaska Salvation Army - https://westernusa.salvationarmy.org/alaska/
Alaska United Way - https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/alaska
Alaska Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/alaska.html
Arizona AFL-CIO - http://www.azaflcio.org/
Arizona unemployment benefits - https://des.az.gov/services/employment/unemployment-individual
Arizona foodbank network - https://azfoodbanks.org/
Industrial Commission of Arizona - https://www.azica.gov/
Arizona Department of Health - https://www.azdhs.gov/
Arizona Catholic Charities - https://www.azdhs.gov/
Arizona Salvation Army - https://arizona.salvationarmy.org/
Arizona United Way - https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/arizona
Arizona Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/az-nm.html
Arkansas AFL-CIO - https://www.arkansasafl-cio.org/
Arkansas Catholic Charities - https://www.dolr.org/catholic-charities
Arkansas Department of Health - https://www.healthy.arkansas.gov/
Arkansas Division of Workforce Services - https://www.dws.arkansas.gov/
Arkansas Food Pantries - https://www.foodpantries.org/st/arkansas
Arkansas Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/arkansas.html
Arkansas Salvation Army - http://salvationarmyaok.org/caac/
Arkansas United Way - https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/arkansas
California AFL-CIO - https://aflcio.org/get-local/california
California Unemployment Benefits - https://edd.ca.gov/en/unemployment/
California Food Banks - https://www.cafoodbanks.org/our-members/
Buena Park drive-through food bank - American Legion Buena Vista
8071 Whitaker Street Buena Park CA 90621
Drive-through food bank Saturdays 7-10am
Serving veterans and their families.
Food bank Anaheim - Community Action Partnerships- grocery pickup-meal service
1440 S Anaheim Blvd Anaheim CA 92805
(714) 667-0717
Thousand Oaks / Manna Conejo Valley Food Bank
95 North Oakview Drive Thousand Oaks CA 91362
For information regarding food stamps, pantries, shelter, rent assistance, Covid-19 updates, etc. Contact the following and/or Dial 211 on your phone.
Los Angeles: https://www.211la.org/
Orange County: https://www.211oc.org/
San Diego: https://211sandiego.org/
San Francisco: https://www.211bayarea.org/sanfrancisco/
Marin County: https://www.211bayarea.org/marin/
California Mortgage Relief - https://www.housing.ca.gov/
California Department of Labor - https://www.labor.ca.gov/
California Department of Public Health - https://www.cdph.ca.gov/
California Catholic Charities - https://catholiccharitiesca.org/
California Salvation Army - https://socal.salvationarmy.org/southern-california/
California United Way - https://unitedwaysca.org/
California Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/california/southern-california.html
Colorado AFL-CIO - https://coaflcio.org/
Colorado Unemployment Benefits - https://cdle.colorado.gov/unemployment
Colorado Food Banks - https://www.hud.gov/states/colorado/homeless/foodbanks
Food bank of the Rockies - https://www.foodbankrockies.org/find-food/
Colorado Department of Labor and Employment - https://cdle.colorado.gov/
Colorado Department of Human Services - https://cdhs.colorado.gov/
Colorado Catholic Charities - https://www.ccharitiescc.org/
Colorado Salvation Army - https://denver.salvationarmy.org/
Colorado United Way - https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/colorado
Colorado Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/colorado.html
CT AFL-CIO https://www.ctaflcio.org/
CT Dept of Health https://portal.ct.gov/dph
CT Unemployment Insurance http://www.ctdol.state.ct.us/UI-online/index.htm
CT United Way https://www.ctunitedway.org/
CT Food Banks http://www.ctfoodbank.org/
CT Rhode Island Salvation Army https://ctri.salvationarmy.org/
CT Red Cross https://www.redcross.org/local/connecticut.html
Delaware AFL-CIO http://delawareaflcio.com/about/
Delaware Unemployment Insurance https://ui.delawareworks.com/
Delaware Dept of Health https://dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/
Delaware United Way https://uwde.org/
Red Cross https://www.redcross.org/local/maryland-delaware.html
DC Metro AFL-CIO https://www.dclabor.org/
DC Metro Dept of Health https://dchealth.dc.gov/
DC Unemployment Insurance - https://unemployment.dc.gov/
Expanded unemployment insurance: https://does.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/does/publication/attac…;
DC Area Food Bank https://www.capitalareafoodbank.org/
DC Area Catholic Charities https://www.catholiccharitiesdc.org/
DC United Way https://unitedwaynca.org/
Salvation Army https://salvationarmynca.org/
Red Cross https://www.redcross.org/local/washington-dc.html
Florida AFL-CIO - http://flaflcio.org/
Florida Catholic Charities - Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc.
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami Diocese of St. Augustine
Catholic Charities of Central Florida (Diocese of Orlando)
Catholic Charities of Northwest Florida (Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee)
Florida Department of Economic Opportunity - https://connect.myflorida.com/
Florida Department of Health - http://www.floridahealth.gov/
Florida Food Pantries - https://www.foodpantries.org/st/florida
Florida Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/florida/central-florida.html
Florida Salvation Army - https://salvationarmyflorida.org/
Florida United Way - https://www.uwof.org/
Georgia AFL-CIO - https://aflcio.org/get-local/georgia
Georgia Department of Health - https://dph.georgia.gov/
Georgia Department of Labor - https://dph.georgia.gov/
Georgia/Greater Atlanta Catholic Charities - https://catholiccharitiesatlanta.org/
Georgia Food Pantries - http://georgiafoodbankassociation.org/about/contact-us/
Georgia Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/georgia.html
Georgia Salvation Army - https://salvationarmygeorgia.org/
Georgia The Giving Kitchen - https://thegivingkitchen.org/
Georgia United Way - https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/georgia
Midtown Assistance Center offers emergency rental assistance
St. Vincent de Paul Georgia provides rental assistance, but you’ll need to call them for more information.
BCM Georgia (Buckhead Christian Ministry) offers emergency rental assistance
Catholic Charities Atlanta has a case management program, which can help you apply for other benefits such as SNAP to mitigate other expenses.
Salvation Army Atlanta offers emergency rental assistance
HOPE Atlanta offers emergency rental assistance
211 United Way Atlanta lists additional programs with more narrow eligibility (being a parent, breast cancer survivor, etc.) that are worth exploring.
Legal Aid Atlanta may be able to provide eligible members with legal assistance during the eviction process.
Georgia Legal Aid has a good explanation of tenants’ rights during the eviction process as well.
Hawaii AFL-CIO - https://www.hawaflcio.org/
Hawaii Unemployment - https://labor.hawaii.gov/ui/
Hawaii Department of Labor - https://labor.hawaii.gov/
Hawaii food bank - https://hawaiifoodbank.org/
Hawaii Department of Health - https://health.hawaii.gov/
Hawaii Catholic Charities - https://www.catholiccharitieshawaii.org/
Hawaii Salvation Army - https://hawaii.salvationarmy.org/
Hawaii United Way - https://www.auw.org/
Hawaii Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/hawaii.html
Idaho AFL-CIO - https://idahoafl-cio.org/
Idaho Unemployment Benefits - https://www.labor.idaho.gov/dnn/Unemployment- Benefits
Idaho Department of Labor - https://www.labor.idaho.gov/
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare - https://healthandwelfare.idaho.gov/
Idaho Catholic Charities - https://www.ccidaho.org/
Idaho Salvation Army - https://boise.salvationarmy.org/
Idaho United Way - https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/idaho
Idaho red cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/idaho.html
AgeOptions - http://www.ageoptions.org/
Chicago/Northern Illinois Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/illinois/chicagoand-northern-illinois.ht…
CPS Meal Sites - https://cps.edu/OSHW/Pages/mealsites.aspx
Greater Chicago Food Depository - https://www.chicagosfoodbank.org/
Illinois AFL-CIO - http://www.ilafl-cio.org/
Illinois Catholic Charities –
Illinois Department of Employment Security - https://www2.illinois.gov/ides
Illinois Department of Public Health - http://www.dph.illinois.gov/
Illinois Food Pantries - https://www.foodpantries.org/st/illinois
Illinois Salvation Army - https://centralusa.salvationarmy.org/metro/
Illinois United Way - http://unitedwayillinois.org/
Indiana AFL-CIO - https://www.inaflcio.org/
Indiana Catholic Charities - https://www.catholic-charities.org/
Indiana Department of Health - https://www.in.gov/isdh/
Indiana Department of Workforce Development - https://www.in.gov/dwd/2334.htm
Indiana Food Pantries - https://www.foodpantries.org/st/indiana
Indiana Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/indiana.html
Indiana Salvation Army - https://centralusa.salvationarmy.org/indiana/
Indiana United Way - https://uwci.org/
State AFL-CIO - https://iowaaflcio.org/
Unemployment - https://www.iowaworkforcedevelopment.gov/file-claim-unemployment-insurance-benefits
Department of Labor -https://www.iowadivisionoflabor.gov/
Food Bank - https://foodbankiowa.org/find-food/
Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/iowa.html
Salvation Army -https://centralusa.salvationarmy.org/desmoines/
Catholic Charities - https://www.catholiccharitiesdm.org/
United Way - https://www.unitedwaydm.org/
Kansas AFL-CIO - https://ks.aflcio.org/
Kansas Catholic Charities - https://catholiccharitiesks.org/
Kansas Department of Health and Environment - http://www.kdheks.gov/
Kansas Department of Labor - https://www.dol.ks.gov/
Kansas Food Pantries - https://www.foodpantries.org/st/kansas
Kansas Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/kansas.html
Kansas Salvation Army - https://centralusa.salvationarmy.org/mokan/
Kansas United Way - https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/kansas
Humana - https://www.humana.com/medicaid/kentucky-medicaid/benefits/healthand-we…
Kentucky AFL-CIO - https://ky.aflcio.org/
Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services - https://chfs.ky.gov/Pages/index.aspx
Kentucky Career Center - https://kcc.ky.gov/Pages/Locations.aspx
Kentucky Catholic Charities - https://cclou.org/
Kentucky Food Pantries - https://www.foodpantries.org/st/kentucky
Kentucky Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/kentucky.html
Kentucky Salvation Army - https://ky.salvationarmy.org/lex-kentucky
Kentucky United Way - https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/kentucky
Louisiana AFL-CIO - https://la.aflcio.org/
Louisiana Catholic Charities - http://www.ccano.org/
Louisiana Department of Health - http://ldh.la.gov/
Louisiana Department of Labor - http://www.laworks.net/Homepage.asp
Louisiana Food Pantries - https://www.foodpantries.org/st/louisiana
Louisiana Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/louisiana.html
Louisiana Salvation Army - https://salvationarmyalm.org/
Louisiana United Way - https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/louisiana
Maine AFL-CIO https://maineaflcio.org/
Maine Dept of Health https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/
Maine Unemployment Insurance https://www.maine.gov/unemployment/
Catholic Charities Maine https://www.ccmaine.org/get-help
Maine United Way https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/maine
Maine Food Pantries https://www.foodpantries.org/st/maine
Maine Red Cross https://www.redcross.org/local/maine.html
Northern New England Salvation Army https://nne.salvationarmy.org/nne/maine
Maryland United Way https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/maryland
Maryland Salvation Army https://salvationarmycm.org/
Maryland Red Cross https://www.redcross.org/local/maryland-delaware.html
AFL-CIO https://www.massaflcio.org/
MA Dept of Health https://www.mass.gov/orgs/department-of-public-health
MA Unemployment Insurance https://www.mass.gov/unemployment-insurance-ui-online
Catholic Charities Boston https://ccab.org/basic-needs
MA United Way https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/massachusetts
MA Food Pantries https://www.foodpantries.org/st/massachusetts
MA Red Cross https://www.redcross.org/local/massachusetts.html
MA Salvation Army https://massachusetts.salvationarmy.org/
Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) program
RAFT helps all kinds of households by providing up to $7,000 per household, within a 12-month period, to help preserve current housing or move to new housing. RAFT can cover utilities, moving costs, and overdue rent.
Applicants must meet certain criteria to be eligible for RAFT:
Risk of homelessness/housing instability (example: applicant has received a Notice to Quit, mortgage arrears)
Income at or below 50% of Area Median Income (AMI), or 60% of AMI for households who are at risk of domestic violence (you can check AMI in your city/town using this online tool)
You can also use the eligibility checker tool here to see if you might be eligible for RAFT.
The Rental Relief Fund Rental will provide up to $10,000 in assistance for income eligible households for up to 18 months for:
current rent
future rent
utility arrears (up to $2,000, must have shut-off notice), and
moving-related expenses (when facing immediate housing insecurity).
After receiving two months of future rent, applicants will need to pay their rent for four to six months before applying for additional future stipends. Applicants must also be behind on rent before applying to receive additional assistance. Applicants will be required to pay 30 percent of their income towards future rent.
The Rental Relief Fund is open to households earning less than 50% of Area Median Income. We also prioritize households where one or more members have been unemployed for the past 90 days.
If you need help completing a Rental Relief Application, please email [email protected] or call 617-635-4200 and select 5.
Massachusetts Division of Banks (DOB)
If you are facing imminent foreclosure, within the next 7 days, the Massachusetts Division of Banks (DOB) may be able to help. The DOB oversees Massachusetts laws about modification and foreclosure processes. They can make a one-time request on the homeowner's behalf and can ask the servicer to grant a 60-day stay in the foreclosure process. This stay provides extra time to work out an alternative to foreclosure.
You can request assistance by email or phone as listed below.
Email: [email protected]
Consumer Assistance: (617) 956-1501
UTILITIES - Salvation Army Good Neighbor Energy Fund
The Massachusetts Good Neighbor Energy Fund is available to any Massachusetts resident who, because of temporary financial difficulty, cannot meet a month's energy expense and is not eligible for state or federal energy assistance. Income must fall between 60 and 80 percent of the state's median income levels.
You may apply for assistance by directly contacting your local Salvation Army Corps Community Center.
Michigan AFL-CIO - https://miaflcio.org/
Michigan Catholic Charities –
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services -https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/
Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity -https://www.michigan.gov/leo/
Michigan Food Pantries - https://www.foodpantries.org/st/michigan
Michigan Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/michigan.html
Michigan Salvation Army - https://centralusa.salvationarmy.org/emi/
Michigan United Way - https://www.hwmuw.org/
Minnesota AFL-CIO - https://www.mnaflcio.org/
Minnesota Catholic Charities - https://www.cctwincities.org/
Minnesota Department of Health - https://www.health.state.mn.us/
Minnesota Department of Labor - https://www.dli.mn.gov/
Minnesota Food Pantries - https://www.foodpantries.org/st/minnesota
Minnesota Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/minnesota.html
Minnesota Salvation Army - https://centralusa.salvationarmy.org/twin-cities/
Minnesota United Way - https://www.gtcuw.org/
Mississippi AFL-CIO - https://aflcio.org/get-local/mississippi
Mississippi Catholic Charities - https://catholiccharitiesjackson.org/
Mississippi Department of Employment Security - https://mdes.ms.gov/
Mississippi Department of Health - https://msdh.ms.gov/
Mississippi Food Pantries - https://www.foodpantries.org/st/mississippi
Mississippi Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/mississippi.html
Mississippi Salvation Army - https://salvationarmyalm.org/jackson/
Mississippi United Way - https://www.unitedwaysm.org/
Missouri AFL-CIO - https://moaflcio.org/
Missouri Catholic Charities - https://www.ccstl.org/
Missouri Department of Health - https://health.mo.gov/
Missouri Department of Labor - https://labor.mo.gov/
Missouri Food Pantries - https://www.foodpantries.org/st/missouri
Missouri Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/missouri.html
Missouri Salvation Army - http://stlsalvationarmy.org/
Missouri United Way - https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/missouri
Montana AFL-CIO - https://www.mtaflcio.org/
Montana Department of Labor - https://dli.mt.gov/
Montana Department of Health and Human Services - https://dphhs.mt.gov/
Montana Food Bank Network - https://mfbn.org/
Montana Salvation Army - https://westernusa.salvationarmy.org/intermountain_us_west/montana/
Montana United Way - https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/montana
Montana Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/montana.html
Nebraska AFL-CIO - https://ne.aflcio.org/
Nebraska Catholic Charities - https://www.ccomaha.org/
Nebraska Department of Health - http://dhhs.ne.gov/Pages/default.aspx
Nebraska Department of Labor - https://www.dol.nebraska.gov/
Nebraska Food Pantries - https://www.foodpantries.org/st/nebraska
Nebraska Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/nebraska.html
Nebraska Salvation Army - https://centralusa.salvationarmy.org/western/
Nebraska United Way - https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/nebraska
Nevada AFL-CIO - https://nv.aflcio.org/
Nevada Unemployment Insurance - https://ui.nv.gov/css.html
Nevada Department of Labor - https://labor.nv.gov/
Nevada Department of Health and Human Services - https://dhhs.nv.gov/
Nevada Food Pantries - https://www.foodpantries.org/st/nevada
Nevada Salvation Army - https://www.salvationarmysouthernnevada.org/
Nevada United Way - https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/nevada
Nevada Catholic Charities - https://www.catholiccharities.com/
Nevada Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/nevada.html
United Way NH: Provides Community Assistance or individuals who have been out of work or are disabled http://www.graniteuw.org/
New Hampshire Department Of Health And Human Services: https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/
New Hampshire Employment Security: https://www.nhes.nh.gov/
Catholic Charities NH: Food Pantries, Homeless Services, Housing & Financial Counseling, Caregiver Relief https://www.cc-nh.org/
New Hampshire Food Pantries
Gather: Assisting Seacoast Residents https://www.gathernh.org/
Nh Food Pantries.Org: https://www.foodpantries.org/st/new_hampshire
NJ Dept of Health https://www.nj.gov/health/
NJ Unemployment Insurance https://myunemployment.nj.gov/
NJ Food Bank https://cfbnj.org/
United Way NJ https://www.nj211.org/united-ways-new-jersey
NJ Health and Human Services Programs https://www.nj.gov/humanservices/dfd/programs/njsnap/
NJ Red Cross https://www.redcross.org/local/new-jersey.html
New Mexico AFL-CIO - https://nmfl.org/
New Mexico Unemployment - https://www.dws.state.nm.us/Unemployment
New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions - https://www.dws.state.nm.us/en-us/
New Mexico Department of Human Services - https://www.hsd.state.nm.us/
New Mexico Association of Food Banks - https://www.nmfoodbanks.org/
New Mexico Salvation Army - https://newmexico.salvationarmy.org/
New Mexico United Way - https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/new-mexico
New Mexico Catholic Charities - https://www.ccasfnm.org/
New Mexico Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/az-nm/about-us/locations/new-mexico.html…;
NY State AFL-CIO https://nysaflcio.org/
NY State Dept of Health https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/home
NYC Dept of Health https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/index.page
NY Unemployment Insurance https://labor.ny.gov/unemploymentassistance.shtm
United Way NY State https://uwnys.org/
Catholic Charities https://catholiccharitiesny.org/find-help
Greater NY Red Cross https://www.redcross.org/local/new-york/greater-new-york.html
Food Bank NYC https://www.foodbanknyc.org/
City Harvest NYC https://www.cityharvest.org/
Food Bank Westchester https://feedingwestchester.org/ Rockland County United Way https://www.uwrc.org/
Rockland County United Way https://www.uwrc.org/
Rockland County Food Pantry http://www.sunyrockland.edu/campus-life/services/connection- center/rockland-county-food-pantry-list
Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina: Non-Profit organization that provides food in 34 counties in central and eastern North Carolina. The food bank is affiliate member of Feeding America, the nation’s leading domestic hunger relief charity https://foodbankcenc.org/
North Carolina Center for Nonprofits: Members can find information on Financial Resources available, Employee Benefits and Human Resources, Health and Safety https://www.ncnonprofits.org/resources/pandemicresources
United Way NC: Provides Community Assistance or individuals who have been out of work or are disabled https://www.unitedwaync.org/
NC Department of Commerce Division of Employment Security https://des.nc.gov/
State AFL-CIO - https://ndaflcio.org/
Unemployment - https://www.jobsnd.com/unemployment-individuals
Department of Labor - https://www.nd.gov/labor/
Food Bank - https://www.greatplainsfoodbank.org/get-help/partner-food-pantries/
Red Cross
Salvation Army - https://centralusa.salvationarmy.org/northern/
Catholic Charities -https://www.catholiccharitiesnd.org/
United Way - https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/north-dakota
Ohio AFL-CIO - http://ohioaflcio.com/
Ohio Catholic Charities - https://ccdocle.org/
Ohio Department of Health - https://odh.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/odh/home
Ohio Department of Job and Family Services - https://unemployment.ohio.gov/
Ohio Food Pantries - https://www.foodpantries.org/st/ohio
Ohio Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/ohio/buckeye.html
Ohio Salvation Army - https://co.salvationarmy.org/
Ohio United Way - http://ouw.org/
Oklahoma AFL-CIO - https://unionhall.aflcio.org/oklahoma-state-afl-cio
Oklahoma Catholic Charities - https://catholiccharitiesok.org/
Oklahoma Department of Health - https://www.ok.gov/health/
Oklahoma Employment Security Commission - https://unemployment.state.ok.us/
Oklahoma Food Pantries - https://www.foodpantries.org/st/oklahoma
Oklahoma Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/oklahoma.html
Oklahoma Salvation Army - https://salvationarmyokcac.org/
Oklahoma United Way - https://www.unitedwayokc.org/
Oregon AFL-CIO - https://www.oraflcio.org/
Oregon Unemployment Insurance - https://www.oregon.gov/employ/unemployment/pages/default.aspx
Oregon Department of Labor - https://www.oregon.gov/boli/pages/index.aspx
Oregon Department of Human Services - https://www.oregon.gov/dhs
Oregon Food Bank - https://www.oregonfoodbank.org/
Oregon Salvation Army - https://portland.salvationarmy.org/
Oregon United Way - https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/oregon
Oregon Catholic Charities - https://www.catholiccharitiesoregon.org/
Oregon Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/oregon.html
PA AFL-CIO http://www.paaflcio.org/
PA Dept of Health https://www.health.pa.gov/Pages/default.aspx
PA Unemployment Insurance https://www.uc.pa.gov/unemployment- benefits/Pages/default.aspx
Philadelphia Dept of Health https://www.phila.gov/departments/department-of-public-health/
PA United Way https://www.uwp.org/
General Assistance https://www.jewishrelief.org/
Food Banks Central PA https://www.centralpafoodbank.org/
PA Food Pantries https://www.foodpantries.org/st/pennsylvania
PA Red Cross https://www.redcross.org/local/pennsylvania/greater-pennsylvania.html&n…;
Salvation Army of Eastern PA and Del https://pendel.salvationarmy.org/
Banco De Alimentos http://bancodealimentopr.org/
United Way-Puerto Rico https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/puerto-rico
FEMA Assistance https://www.fema.gov/disaster/3452
Department of Labor and Training Rhode Island http://www.dlt.state.ri.us/
Rhode Island Food Banks
RI Community Food Bank https://rifoodbank.org/
RI United Way https://www.uwri.org/
Food Pantries.Org Providence, Rhode Island https://www.foodpantries.org/ci/ri-providence
If you are a Rhode Island homeowner currently struggling to make your mortgage payments and/or facing foreclosure, there are several options available to assist you:
Contact a HUD-approved housing counselor or the RI Housing Help Center. The sooner you reach out the more options you may have. Dedicated housing counselors work with homeowners and their lenders to review and identify available options to avoid foreclosure. Options may include loan modifications, work-out agreements, repayment plans and/or referral to RI Legal Services.
Directly contact your loan servicer about opportunities to restructure your mortgage.
Contact your local Community Action Agencies (CAP) about available utility assistance programs.
Utilities - United Way Rhode Island Good Neighbor Energy Fund
Rhode Islanders who need assistance from the Fund should visit their local Community Action Program (CAP) agency. CAP agencies use the guidelines found below to determine qualification. If you are unsure of the CAP agency nearest you, please contact United Way 2-1-1 in Rhode Island. Simply dial 2-1-1.
Household Size/Annual Income Limits and other guidelines listed on the website
South Carolina- United Way: Provides Community Assistance or individuals who have been out of work or are disabled https://www.uwasc.org/
Sc-Food Pantries.Org https://www.foodpantries.org/st/south_carolina
South Carolina Department of Employment: https://dew.sc.gov/
State AFL-CIO - https://sd.aflcio.org/
Unemployment - https://dlr.sd.gov/ra/individuals/default.aspx
Department of Labor - https://dlr.sd.gov/
Food Bank - https://www.feedingsouthdakota.org/
Red Cross
Salvation Army
Sioux Falls - https://centralusa.salvationarmy.org/siouxfalls/
Black Hills - https://centralusa.salvationarmy.org/blackhills/
Catholic Charities
Sioux City - https://www.cathchar.com/
Rapid City - https://www.cssrapidcity.com/
United Way
Tennessee AFL-CIO - https://aflcio.org/get-local/tennessee
Tennessee Catholic Charities - https://www.cctenn.org/
Tennessee Department of Health - https://www.tn.gov/health.html
Tennessee Department of Human Services - https://www.tn.gov/humanservices.html
Tennessee Department of Labor - https://www.tn.gov/workforce/unemployment.html
Tennessee Food Pantries - https://www.foodpantries.org/st/tennessee
Tennessee Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/tennessee.html
Tennessee Salvation Army - http://salvationarmykytn.org/
Tennessee United Way - https://www.uwtn.org/www
Texas AFL-CIO - https://www.texasaflcio.org/
Texas Catholic Charities - https://www.ccctx.org/
Texas Department of Health and Human Services - https://www.dshs.texas.gov/
Texas Food Pantries - https://www.foodpantries.org/st/texas
Texas Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/texas/central-and-south-texas.html
Texas Salvation Army - https://www.salvationarmytexas.org/
Texas United Way - https://www.uwtexas.org/
Texas Workforce Commission - https://www.twc.texas.gov/
Utah AFL-CIO - https://utahaflcio.org/
Utah Unemployment Insurance - https://jobs.utah.gov/ui/home
Utah Department of Workforce Services - https://jobs.utah.gov/
Utah Department of Health and Human Services - https://dhhs.utah.gov/
Utah Food Banks - https://www.utahfoodbank.org/find-a-pantry/
Utah Salvation Army - https://westernusa.salvationarmy.org/intermountain_us_west/utah/
Utah United Way - https://unitedwayuc.org/
Utah Catholic Charities - https://ccsutah.org/programs
Utah Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/utah.html
Vermont AFL-CIO https://vt.aflcio.org/
Vermont Unemployment Insurance https://labor.vermont.gov/unemployment-insurance
Vermont Dept of Health https://www.healthvermont.gov/
Food Bank https://www.vtfoodbank.org/
Vermont United Way https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/vermont
Salvation Army http://easternusa.salvationarmy.org/use/contact-the-salvation-army
Red Cross https://www.redcross.org/local/new-hampshire-vermont.html
United Way: Provides Community Assistance or individuals who have been out of work or are disabled https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/virginia/united-way-of-vi…;
Southeastern Virginia And The Eastern Shore https://foodbankonline.org/covid-19/
Blue Ridge Area-Food Bank https://www.brafb.org/
VA Chamber Resource Center https://www.vachamber.com/covid-19/
Catholic Charities, Richmond VA https://www.cccofva.org/
West Virginia Financial Aid And Assistance Programs https://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html/west_virginia_assistance_progr…;
Virginia Employment Commission http://www.vec.virginia.gov/
Washington AFL-CIO - https://www.wslc.org/
Washington Unemployment Benefits - https://esd.wa.gov/unemployment
Washington Department of Labor and Industries - https://www.lni.wa.gov/
Washington Department of Social and Health Services - https://www.dshs.wa.gov/
Washington Food Banks - https://agr.wa.gov/services/food-access/access-food-near-you
Washington Salvation Army - https://northwest.salvationarmy.org/ /
Washington United Way - https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/washington
Washington Catholic Charities - https://ccsww.org/get-help/
Washington Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/washington.html
West Virginia AFL-CIO https://www.wvaflcio.org/
West Virginia Unemployment Insurance https://workforcewv.org/unemployment
West Virginia Dept of Health https://dhhr.wv.gov/Pages/default.aspx
Food Pantries https://www.foodpantries.org/st/west_virginia
Salvation Army https://www.salvationarmymwv.org/
AFL-CIO - https://wisaflcio.org/
Unemployment - https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/ui/
Department of Labor - https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/
Food Assistance - https://www.feedingwi.org/programs/farmers_feeding_wisconsin.php
Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/wisconsin.html
Salvation Army - http://www.salvationarmywi.org/
Catholic Charities
Madison - https://catholiccharitiesofmadison.org/
Green Bay - https://catholiccharitiesgb.org/
La Crosse - https://cclse.org/
United Way - https://www.unitedwaywi.org/default.aspx
AFL-CIO - https://www.wyomingaflcio.org/
Unemployment - https://wyui.wyo.gov/benefits/home.do
Department of Labor - https://dws.wyo.gov/
Food Bank - https://wyomingfoodbank.org/find-food/
Red Cross - https://www.redcross.org/local/wyoming/about-us/locations.html
Salvation Army - https://westernusa.salvationarmy.org/intermountain_us_west/wyoming/
Catholic Charities - https://charitieswyoming.org/
United Way - https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/wyoming