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LA Building Trades: Measure S Will Cost 12,000 Jobs And Affordable Housing

The Build Better LA Coalition opposes the March 7th ballot initiative Measure S. The coalition says it will ban the construction of affordable housing while eliminating 12,000 good jobs with benefits.

Ron Miller is Executive Secretary of the LA/Orange County Building and Construction Trades Council.

 "We do have a shortage of housing - good affordable housing - in Los Angeles. very expensive to live here. But the existing workforce has to travel out of the city because they can't afford to live here.

When these projects come up in front of city council, they need zone changes or different variances. Those projects will be affected also.

There was an article in a newspaper here a few weeks back and they said that we're in the middle of the largest building boom since the 1920's. And we would like to see this continue.

There's a lot of housing being built and this measure is something that would be very detrimental to that effort."
