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Nurses: GOP Plans Would Leave Tens Of Millions Without Healthcare

National Nurses United say Trump/GOP health care ideas would accelerate the healthcare crisis, depriving tens of millions of people of health care. The nurses say to guarantee the best healthcare to the most people strengthening and expanding Medicare is "the only solution" should Obamacare be repealed. Numerous polls show Obamacare is more popular than repealing it. The Kaiser Family Foundation found in January that 75 percent of Americans either want lawmakers to leave Obamacare alone or repeal it only when they can replace it with another health care law. A Kaiser Health Tracking polls shows 48 percent approve Obamacare, 42 percent oppose it. During Resistance Recess, Republicans were besieged by people angry that the GOP's repeal actions take healthcare from millions of people who have it under Obamacare. Trump's told Congress that people with pre-existing conditions would have "access" to coverage under GOP plans. National Nurses United Co-President Jean Ross says "...access to buying expensive private insurance is worlds apart from getting the coverage and care you need when you need it.”
