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Our Revolution Works To Build A Winning Issues Driven Mass Political Movement

The political revolution Senator Bernie Sanders envisioned and helped build as he ran for President lives on in Our Revolution. Former CWA President Larry Cohen heads an effort by Our Revolution to build a winning mass political movement around working class issues.

Jobs and economic issues for sure - but also linked to other vital issues affecting working people.

 "They're all economic in some way. But we would link them together. Because that's, in this country, the only way you're gonna build the kind of inclusive, mass majority movement you need. We have to link them together always. I think there are obvious links. But we gotta consciously be talking about racism consciously talking about the devastation of climate change, But yeah, the core is jobs."

Cohen says to win support among working class voters, Our Revolution has to be rooted in issues that really matter to working people and make that obvious to working class voters no matter how they voted in the last election.

Workers turned off by Hillary Clinton in November who voted Trump often said at town hall meetings that they liked Bernie Sanders. Cohen says that underscores the need to organize around strong worker issues - and never back off those issues - even in more conservative small towns and rural areas.

 "That's why we're tryin' to be in the three thousand counties - not just in the 500 that Clinton won and where Democrats tend to do well in this country. But to be in those small industrial towns like in Iowa like the Bettendorfs and the Waterloos. And also in rural Iowa, rural Wisconsin.

I think you have to organize everywhere, not just where we're immediately popular."
