U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren says the Republican efforts to destroy Obamacare piecemeal through a “skinny” repeal isn’t a compromise and will destroy the most critical parts of the Affordable Care Act. If Republicans are successful, she says, health insurance will be unaffordable for millions of people – especially those with pre-existing conditions. [Sen. Elizabeth Warren]: “This isn’t a more moderate version of the Republican’s ugly plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act. This isn’t compromise. In fact, this may be the worst idea they’ve had yet because of Senate Republicans vote to repeal the individual mandate, they’re getting rid of the linch-pin of the insurance markets in this country. And that’s because this provision – the one that the Republicans want to junk , is what keeps the price of insurance affordable for people with pre-existing conditions.” Warren says the callous attitude from Republicans about what repealing the Affordable Care Act will really to to endanger the health and lives of millions of real people is reprehensible. [Sen. Elizabeth Warren]: “Senate Republicans who voted to move forward with their effort to rip away American’s healthcare are not listening to the people they represent. They’re vote was irresponsible. It was reckless. It was cruel. It was immoral.” http://bit.ly/2v2lfZx By Doug Cunningham Sections Political Action