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The Take On Wall Street Campaign Pushes Financial Reforms

How do we "take on Wall Street"?

Labor unions, faith groups and progressive organizations are doing it with a campaign calling for serious financial reforms.

The Take On Wall Street Campaign has come up with five specific reforms, ranging from eliminating tax loopholes that contribute to economic inequality and skyrocketing CEO pay to a speculation tax on Wall Street trades and breaking up banks that are supposedly “too big to fail”.

American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten supports the campaign.

[Randi Weingarten]: “We’re trying to pass a twenty-first century Glass-Steagall.  We’re trying to close the CEO bonus loophole.  We’re trying to create a financial gains tax on Wall Street’s trades which would generate billions of dollars in revenue.  And we’re trying to make sure that there is affordable and fair financial services.  These five things would help make Wall Street Accountable for predatory practices that shed light on backroom deals."
