With Trumpcare defeated nurses say it's time to go for real single payer universal Medicare for all style health care. Because even with the Affordable Care Act still in place there are still millions of people without health insurance. National Nurses United/California Nurses Association Co-President Deborah Burger says her union is supporting a legislative effort in California that would create universal Medicare for all healthcare. "Essentially it would finance the healthy California through a number of mechanisms. One is a payroll and income tax premium which is higher for upper income earners so it is progressive, And it would replace the insurance premium, co-pay and deductibles most people are already paying." Burger says people could go to any health care provider in California. And it's designed to cover dental and vision healthcare needs, too. Burger says this Medicare for all style healthcare universal coverage bill has a good chance of passing in California. "It's a bill that we think has a good deal of likelihood passing. We've made it what's called a two-year bill because we think that gives us time to educate the public." Details on the California Health and Care Act can be found at Calnurses.org Sections Political Action