Of the many benefit changes implemented by the MPIPHP; such as the IAP hardship withdrawal, waiver of one quarter health premium, no out of pocket for COVID-19 testing & LiveHealthOnline Telemedicine visits and early prescription refills, the most asked question is, “What will happen if I cannot make my health hours due to the COVID-19 shutdown?” That has been the primary objective since mid-March. We have been meeting with Management trying to figure out how to move forward on this. How do we protect members who are losing health hours? The MPIPHP works in unison with Labor and Management Trustees. The Labor Trustees have presented a plan to the Management Trustees which would provide continued coverage to any member who would accrue qualifying hours which are now being compromised due to the COVID-19 shutdown. It is going back and forth with the MPIPHP accountants and actuaries and back to the Trustees. The Labor Trustees are confident there is enough reserve money in the health and pension fund to cover members and get us through this crisis. To move forward, we need a consensus from both sides. We are on a daily watch and wait status with Management. As we enter the third week of “Stay at Home”, the health experts at the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) & Los Angeles County Department of Public Health are warning that this upcoming week will be crucial in slowing down transmission and “Flattening the Curve”. With the rise in new cases over the past week, the concern is asymptomatic or incubating carriers. Officials warn that this is the week to stay in and skip shopping as the State and L.A. County Department of Public Health hopes to clip the rise in new cases. We are far from the end of this crisis. For those of you who want reliable COVID-19 info, here are a few sources A daily updated graphic of LA Co. COVID-19 status: https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/PublishingImages/COVID-19/CA_COVID-19_April6%20(003).jpg This is the California Department of Public Health page filled with the most updated information on COVID -19 and California: https://www.cdph.ca.gov We have been told one of the more effective ways to combat the COVID-19 virus is to wash our hands. It is a simple project, and from now on everyone will be singing “Happy Birthday” each time one washes their hands. But how thorough are you washing your hands? You wouldn’t think a simple task like washing one’s hands would be so necessarily complicated. A memo from our friends at Grainger and a video directed at children but a good visual on a step by step approach to a simple task. https://www.grainger.com/know-how/business-operations/emergency-and-disaster-preparedness/kh-handwashing-steps-to-prevent-infections-from-spreading-infographic https://youtu.be/Hz6fyfxD4xE And life continues: On Saturday March 28, IATSE Local 728 Scholarship interviews were conducted. Below (listed alphabetically) are the recipients and their proud parents … Sacha Allen (Stephen & Kim Allen); Jessica Dangcil (Tommy Dangcil & Lena Budny); Marshall Gregson (Jessie & Brandi Gregson); Elleana Hettler (Jerrod Hettler & Diya Nicole Allison); Jack McKinnon (Brian & Andrea McKinnon); Marguerite Newhart (Charley & Linda Newhart); August Rushton (Jesse & Heather-Norton Rushton) and Justin Tapia (Manuel & Evelia Tapia). Congratulations to you all. Second Quarter Dues: By now everyone should know that Local 728 Treasurer/Call Steward Pascal Guillemard presented a proposal to our Executive Board to waive the second quarter dues for active members which was adopted. If you have already paid dues, your next unpaid quarter will be credited. Skills Training: Local 728 President and Safety and Training Director Alan Rowe continues to provide on-line training for the members. Please visit the Local 728 training website for the list of upcoming online training. www.training728.org Outreach: Local 728 Vice-President Greg Reeves has developed an outreach program for members to help stay connected. Reach into your phone and #textamember. Member to Member Program: Local 728 Young Worker Inga Mitinyan has put together the “Member to Member” program. Another Local 728-member outreach program which puts our more vulnerable retired and disabled members in touch with active members. The active members will assist in getting prescription medication, pick up food or just be there to talk and listen. If you are interested on either end, call Inga 517-980-4991 or email [email protected] Patric J. Abaravich Business Representative/Secretary IATSE Local 728 (818) 954-0727 Sections Local Spotlight