Kentucky GOP Lawmakers Attack Worker Rights With Anti-Union Bill

When Republicans take government power in state houses they attack labor unions and worker rights - time and again that has proven true over many years now.

The latest example is in Kentucky where Republicans have been trying to ram through an anti-union law with the misleading "Right To Work" name.

It's an attack on the democratic decisions made by workers to require that union dues be paid in their workplaces. A majority of workers decide to unionize a workplace. Then a majority of those workers vote to approve contracts that require workers covered by the union contract to pay dues.

'Right To Work' laws override that democratic decision by workers by outlawing that clause in their contracts. It allows some workers to freeload without paying dues while the union is still required to represent them.

Kentucky AFL-CIO President Bill Londrigan says these 'Right To Work' laws are designed to undermine union resources, weakening workers politically.

As Kentucky GOP Governor Matt Bevin testified in the legislature in support of the anti-worker, anti-union law protesting workers loudly chanted demanding to be let in to the hearing room.

[Kentucky Workers Protesting 'Right To Work']: "Workin' People Matter! Workin' People Matter! No Justice No Peace! No Justice No Peace!We Want In! We Want In!"

Despite the worker protests Kentucky is fast tracking the anti-union bill.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said of 'Right To Work' laws: "...we must guard against being fooled by false slogans, such as ‘right to work.’ It is a law to rob us of our civil rights and job rights. Its purpose is to destroy labor unions and the freedom of collective bargaining by which unions have improved wages and working conditions of everyone…"



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