The following are the rules for solicitations for contributions to the PAC. These rules must be displayed, posted, or otherwise noted whenever contributions are solicited as noted above. - The signing of an authorization card and the making of contributions to the IATSE-PAC are not conditions of membership in the union nor of employment with the Company and you may refuse to do so without fear of reprisal. - You are making a contribution to fund-raising efforts sponsored by the IATSE-PAC and the IATSE- PAC will use your contributions for political purposes, including but not limited to, the making of contributions to or expenditures on behalf of candidates for federal office, and addressing political issues of public importance. - Federal law requires the IATSE-PAC to use its best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and the name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year. - Contributions or gifts to the IATSE-PAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. - Any contribution guideline is merely a suggestion and you may contribute more, less or nothing at all without favor or disadvantage from IATSE. - The IATSE-PAC is unable to accept monies from Canadian members of the IATSE. Sections Political Action