2025 California Wildfires |
IATSE – Los Angeles Fires Relief and Response The IATSE and West Coast Locals have combined resources (updated regularly): |
West Coast Locals Volunteer Sign-Up: *New Link* https://docs.google.com/document/d/12rFnYexBmuLbIycBoBKgHKpfuQ0NX9kJ5buj0oSiBLU/edit?tab=t.0
Monetary Donations: Entertainment Union Emergency Relief and Assistance Fund - Entertainment Union Recovery Fund Used to purchase gift cards for those in need.
WALSH/Di TOLLA/SPIVAK FOUNDATION (Funds from the Foundation can help pay for food, clothing, shelter, and other necessities for IATSE members who suffer loss from natural disasters). Checks: Donations should be made payable to the "Walsh/Di Tolla/Spivak Foundation" and mailed to: The Walsh/Di Tolla/Spivak Foundation c/o IATSE 207 W. 25th St., 4th Fl. New York, NY 10001 Online Donations: Can be made to the Foundation via the Pay Pal Landing Page at: iatse.co/mutual-aid (also accepts credit cards via PayPal)
Disaster Assistance and Emergency Resources
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