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Bobby DeChellis

(from IMDB)

Robert B. DeChellis was born in an airplane over the Altantic Ocean. Although young, Robert has accomplished a remarkable range of feats. Bob has been to the lowest points on all seven continents, has killed a rabid bear with an extension ladder saving a baby in the process, gave a kidney to his garbage collector, claims to have seen Bigfoot while in Nepal, designed the vortex bottle for Miller, and holds the record for most blocked field goals, most sacks, and fastest 40 yard sprint at Valencia High School.

Robert had his breakout role as a lighting artist in [error] although provided technical assistance for 'Nitoshima Warau', 'The Bengali Kid', and 'A Yank on the Burma Road 2: The Hunt for Gail Farwood' on his tour of Asia. Robert got his job on 'Ironman' after meeting Leslie Nielsen in an elevator in Johannesburg. He is definitely a rising star and not only does he have good looks, charm, wit and excellent lighting skills, he also majored in Ethnomusicology at a UCLA. He lives in Santa Clarita.

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