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Good & Welfare


Notice of passing: Charles Collras


Charles Collras "Mighty Mouse" passed away on December 12th 2017 at the age of 86. Charlie was initiated on September 12, 1960.
In addition to being a 57+ year member of Local 728, "Mr. Los Angeles" was a world renown body builder, a pioneer of the sport. He was inducted into the Muscle Beach Hall of Fame in 2016.
Click on this link to see a history of Charles' body building competitions:

Disaster relief info from the L.A. Fed


Brothers and Sisters -

As you know, in recent days our region has been hit by unprecedented fires.

We are proud and thankful for our brave union sisters and brothers who are at the front line of protecting our communities - from firefighters and social workers to law enforcement and the housing authority staff. We have also heard countless stories of own. Union members, staff, and allied community members who have been directly impacted by the fires. Some of them of have lost their homes.