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Political Action

political action

Call Your Representative to Help Save American Jobs


The Trump administration and Republican leaders in Congress want to pay for expensive tax breaks for millionaires and big corporations by cutting vital services working people depend on like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and public education. Make a call to urge our elected leaders to reject any bill that makes drastic cuts that hurt working people to pay for wasteful tax giveaways for corporations.

Fill out the form and you’ll get a call back connecting you with your member of Congress.

Here Come the Republican Benefit Cuts


First, they run up the deficit with massive tax giveaways for millionaires and Wall Street; then they use the deficit as an excuse to cut benefits for working people.


This is what the Republican tax scam is all about. Anybody who’s been paying attention should have seen this coming a mile away. The only surprising thing is that they’re not even waiting for their tax bill to run up the deficit before they start demanding benefit cuts.