Stop the TPP! Call Congress 1-855-856-7545 The Trans-Pacific Partnership will put Americans out of work, destroy environmental protections and increase prescription drug prices. Call Congress and tell them to oppose the TPP. Call 1-855-856-7545 and we'll connect you. • Click here to download the flier For all of 2015, we fought tirelessly to see the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a massive trade deal negotiated in secret. We speculated that such a deal negotiated without the input of working people would cost our country thousands of jobs - it would be the NAFTA on steroids. Well, now that the text is public we don't have to speculate: our worst fears were true. Steve Smith highlights two new reports (including one by the Obama administration!) in Labor's Edge confirming the TPP will cost America thousands of jobs if passed by Congress: You read that right. The report the administration likes says the U.S. will have 121,000 fewer manufacturing jobs as a direct result of the deal. And the report goes on to state that the deal will likely cause considerable hardship on workers who get booted out of good-paying manufacturing jobs and are told to retrain for lower-paying jobs. Ask any of the hundreds of thousands of displaced workers across the Rust Belt how that story ends. Here's what we know about the TPP: We know the TPP was negotiated by corporations and for corporations at the expense of working people and our democracy. We know the TPP allows currency-manipulating countries to kill U.S. jobs. We know the TPP lets foreign corporations bypass U.S. law. We know the TPP doesn’t strengthen international labor rights protections. We know the TPP takes America out of “Buy American.” We know the TPP could allow public services to be permanently outsourced. And we know the TPP’s weak rules of origin benefit China and other non-TPP countries. We are deeply disappointed that the opportunities to put workers’ interests first and eliminate corporate entitlements were largely ignored. Join working people on February 8th and 9th and call your Representative in Congress to urge them to Stop the TPP. Call 1-855-856-7545 and we'll connect you Sections Political Action