Working people are the overwhelming majority in America and yet our issues have taken a back seat in this presidential election. United Steelworkers President Leo Gerard says these are the issues whoever becomes president-elect on November 8th, should focus on to really help working families. [Leo Gerard]: "I would like to see the revitalization and passage of the Employee Free Choice Act as a minimum. I think we need to have a national campaign to raise the national minimum wage to a living wage. I think we've got to take an aggressive position on rebuilding America's infrastructure. And by that I don't necessarily just mean roads and bridges and airports. That's all important, but what we also need to do is fix our water distribution systems, our water treatment plants. More than sixty percent of the schools in the United States are more than fifty years old. We need a program to revitalize our schools with the best modern heating and air conditioning systems so that our students are not only working in the best environment but we're taking carbon out of the atmosphere. I think a longterm commitment to the renovation of public buildings so they are up to the highest environmental standards would take millions of tons of carbon out of the atmosphere. I think tackling climate change by having a transition to renewable energy and to be able to make that in America." Gerard says the steelworkers are doing as much as they can to reach union members with the truth about Trump. If workers really want to see their families benefit Gerard says, they should reject Trump so these programs to revitalize America can get done. [Leo Gerard]: "There's a huge program here that can put people back to work. And if we can give workers a chance to organize again without corporate interference, then we can revitalize America." Sections Labor News