Republican Joint Employer Legislation Takes Away Worker Freedoms

In our fragmented workplaces with perma-temps, contracted workers, agency employees and subcontracting, we must be vigilant so every worker is protected and paid fairly, and that goes double when it comes to protecting the freedom to stand in unity for better pay and working conditions.


A bill just introduced by Republicans called the “Save Local Business Act” takes us in the opposite direction.

The bill would take away essential freedoms that have been protected by the National Labor Relations Act and the Fair Labor Standards Act since they were adopted in the 1930s.

The bill achieves this through a ridiculously narrow definition of an employer. The definition is narrower than any used by any agency or court, and it would take freedoms from too many workers and allow irresponsible companies to violate workers’ rights.

We call on all members of Congress to reject this harmful and misguided proposal.

Lynn Rhinehart




IATSE, Local 728

Studio Electrical Lighting Technicians

1001 W. Magnolia Blvd.

Burbank, CA 91506

(818) 954-0728


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