Automated lighting is becoming very common on our sets, not only in large scale television or theatrical-style motion pictures but also as remote focus fixtures that can be rigged into areas that would be difficult to reach once the set is dressed. Automated lighting requires specialized knowledge to rig and install. This class will provide this knowledge to the lighting techncian on how to hang, address, cable, and distribute power for automated lighting as well as the different types of automated lighting that is available.Automated lighting is becoming very common on our sets, not only in large scale television or theatrical-style motion pictures but also as remote focus fixtures that can be rigged into areas that would be difficult to reach once the set is dressed. Automated lighting requires specialized knowledge to rig and install. This class will provide this knowledge to the lighting techncian on how to hang, address, cable, and distribute power for automated lighting as well as the different types of automated lighting that is available. This class covers topics that are listed as being in the content outline for the ETCP Entertainment Electrician Certification Exam.