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Class Catalog

Color Theory and DMX Lighting Control
MBox Media Server -Basic Skills

The Mbox family of media server and media playback software gives users powerful and flexible control by working seamlessly with media playback, composition, effects, and transitions.  Mbox offers more power through modernized API’s, a fully 64-bit code-base, and better utilization of modern


480V Power Systems

480V power systems are common on our stages and sets and have many benefits as well as hazards. This class will instruct you on what you need to know to plan, rig, and use 480V Power Systems safely and effectively on set.

Battery Technology

The introduction of low power consuming lighting equipment, such as LED technology, and the concurrent development of high yield battery technology, including lithium based batteries, has enabled us to literally put light sources anywhere.

Electrical Power Lab 101

The Electrical Power Lab class will go in depth into the world of portable power distribution systems. Using the equipment that we use of set, we will examine the practical influences that electrical theory has on our work.

Electrical Power Lab 201

The Electrical Power Lab 101B class will continue the work of the Power Lab 101 class and go deeper into the world of portable power distribution systems. A thorough understanding of electrical principles is essential for the Set Lighting Technician.

Electrical Power Sources

Understanding the function and construction of the electrical power source is essential knowledge for anyone working with or planning portable power distribution systems.This class will cover the construction, function, and selection of generators, transformers, and batteries so that you will be

Electrical Rigging Calculations

Electrical Rigging Calculations - Having fun as a Rigging Gaffer or Best Boy Part 1
Part 1 of an ongoing series for Set Lighting Technicians who want to advance in their craft

Topics for this class include:

Electricity 101

This class which will cover the basics of Electrical Theory for the Set Lighting Technician. We will cover conductors, insulators, electromagnetism, AC & DC power generation, transformers, parallel; series circuits, overcurrent protection, Ohm's Law, and more.

Electricity 101B-Electrical Calculations

Our Electricity 101B - Calculations class focuses entirely on solving difficult real-world problems using electrical calculations. This is an excellent way to flex your mental muscle and figure out how to make electricity work for you.

Electricity 201: Power for Rigging Gaffers

Complex power systems using LED, Moving Light, and Dimming Technology can have significant advanced power issues. This course will draw on experiences from our Rigging Gaffers to illustrate why these problems occur, when to expect them, and how to avoid them.

Entertainment Electrics, Portable Power Distribution, and Lighting Control Systems with Richard Cadena

This three-day course covers most of the topics listed in the content outline of the ETCP Entertainment Electrician and Portable Power Distribution Technician Certification exams.

Rigging For Wet Locations

This class will focus on safely and effectively rigging & operating your electrical system in, and in the vicinity of water. By using real-life scenarios, we will be discussing how to avoid the pitfalls and problems of working around water, including using a tiered GFCI system.



Advanced 3D Modeling with Vectorworks Spotlight by Tangably

This class focuses on advanced skills working in the 3D Vectorworks environment, with an emphasis on understanding and practicing control and management of the subtleties of working planes.

Advanced Rendering and Lighting Techniques for Vectorworks

In addition to simple plotting and 2D/3D modeling, Vectorworks is capable of photo-realistic renderings which can help sell lighting concepts to directors, cinematographers and clients.

The Role of the Lighting Draftsperson

This is a lecture and discussion based class focused on enhancing the understanding of the role of the Lighting Draftsperson. The role is evolving and its continued usage and expansion offers significant benefits both within the lighting department and to productions as a whole.

Vectorworks for CLTs, CRTs, and Creative Planning

This course is designed to support the creative process using both paid and free Vectorworks tools and is intended for both artistic creativity and the creative planning of complex rigs and fixture layouts.

Vectorworks Spotlight 101 & 102: Basic Topics (2 Day)

Vectorworks Spotlight is a Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) drawing program specifically designed for the Entertainment Lighting industry.

Vectorworks Spotlight 103-104: Advanced Topics (2 Day)

"Advanced Vectorworks Spotlight" is an exciting next-level class that builds upon the foundational skills acquired in the beginner topics course.


DMX & Network Protocols

ArtNet/Streaming ACN/RDM (Lab)

ArtNet and Streaming-ACN are DMX control protocols that work over TCP/IP. Most newer consoles and advanced lighting equipment are using these protocols to ensure control reliability.

DMX Networking 101

Our sets are dependent on large and complex Lighting Control Systems. Individual control of 1000s of different lights and parameters is common. These complex lighting control systems can save hours of set up time each day when they are installed and managed properly.

Ethernet for Lighting Control (Lab)

This class provides advanced instruction beyond the Ethernet Protocols 101A classes using lighting equipment found on set.

Ethernet Protocols 101

Lighting control networks are now more than just DMX and dimmers. Many sets have hundreds of lighting devices on a network and Ethernet connects everything together.

Ethernet Rigging Bootcamp

Need to know more about setting up and troubleshooting ethernet rigs but don't want to be a full-fledged network technician?

Introduction to Luminex Networking

Join us as we dive into the Luminex product line and learn how modern technology can distribute DMX-512A Lighting Control information across stages and locations.

Lead Control Systems Technician

This class integrates all of the Control Systems Protocols classes and provides instructions for planning and installing complex systems.

Rigging Programmer 101

This one-day class on "Rigging Programming" is designed to equip participants with essential skills and knowledge required for efficient communication between rigging and shooting crews.

Streaming ACN/ArtNET (Lab)

ArtNet and Streaming-ACN are DMX control protocols that work over TCP/IP. Most newer consoles and advanced lighting equipment are using these protocols to ensure control reliability.

Wireless DMX

Wireless DMX can be a show saver when the situation calls for it and can save you and your crew significant amounts of time.

Wireless DMX Lab

This class is the extension of the Wireless DMX class and focuses on hands-on usage of wireless DMX equipment. 


LED & Digital Lighting Technology

Astera Certified 8-Hour Training Class

This class is part of Astera's Certified Training Program and is an 8-hour intensive in-person training focused on enabling the technician to get the most out of the Astera ecosystem.

Color Science for Production LED Lighting

Integrating LED lights with the modern digital camera can create some unique challenges that may or may not repeat themselves with similar cameras or lights. This session will cover the visible color spectrum and how it relates to both the human eye and camera sensors.

Kino Flo Virtual Production Lighting Workshop featuring MIMIK

Discussion and demonstration of MIMIK, the full spectrum onset image-based lighting tile from Kino Flo. Discussion of various implementation processes. Tutorial on the Helios processor. How to synchronize MIMIK to a volume and genlock to camera.

LED Advanced Project Lab

Have an idea or working on an existing LED project?

LED Assembly Technician (2 Day Class)

LED technology has great advantages to our CLTs and fixture technicians. These low voltage, low profile, light sources can be assembled into small spaces and devices where conventional lighting is not possible.

Mappable LED Assembly Technician (2 Day)

As set designs become more inclusive of lighting so develops the complexity of this lighting. It is not uncommon for us to implement 100-200 universes of Mappable LED elements. This 2-day class dives into the design and implementation of Mappable LED for use on camera.

RuPixel Training Lab

This first part of the class will cover pixel theory, pixel driver properties, the driving force and need for the RuPixel system, and how to set up and use the system.

Video Color Space Fundamentals for the Set Lighting Technician

Lighting color value communication has evolved throughout motion picture history from Wratten Filters and Gel numbers to CYM and RGB ratios in lighting consoles.



Automated Lighting Rigging

Automated lighting is becoming very common on our sets, not only in large scale television or theatrical-style motion pictures but also as remote focus fixtures that can be rigged into areas that would be difficult to reach once the set is dressed.

Cleaning, Teching, and Gobos: Working With Moving Lights
This hands-on class will focus on the essentials of working with moving lights including: storage and handling; access to internal components and cleaning; knowing when to clean vs return; working in the menus; "hidden" features (such as using a moving light as a node); basic upkeep and replacing it
Electrical Systems Planning & Location Scouts

This class will focus on planning & managing the installation of your rigs including location scouts, circuit layouts, personnel, equipment orders, voltage drop, dealing with production, special equipment, dimmer rooms, and special organizational practices.

Electrical Systems Rigging (Rigging 101)

In the world of set lighting, everything starts with the rigging of the electrical system. The better the skills of the rigging crew, the more stable and reliable the rig will be for production.

Grounding and Bonding Portable Generators
Knots, Rope, and Traditional Rigging

Proper knot tying is an essential skill for the lighting technician and the most basic skills are often the most easily overlooked. This hands-on class will go into how rope functions, inspection, maintenance, knots, loads, breaking strength, and warning signs of an overloaded system.

Overhead Rigging: Chain Motors and Truss

Chain motors and truss are becoming common on our sets. While the rigging of chain motors and trussing is frequently performed by Local 80 Grips, we are often hanging tons of lights, cable, and equipment on them.

Working in the Ozone/Industry Rescue Awareness (High Elevation) with Local 80

Local 80 is holding a class on Industry Rescue and is inviting Local 728 members to join the class. This class is all about the rescue of someone who has fallen from height, is being suspended by their Fall Protection, and there is no access or availability from below with a lift.


Balloon Lighting

Balloon Lighting Technician 101

Balloon Lighting Technicians are in demand and this class will give you the hands-on training to familiarize yourself with the function and operation of Lighting Balloons. This class will include discussion and hands-on training on:

Balloon Lighting Technician 201

Balloon Lighting Technicians are in demand and this class will give you the hands-on training to familiarize yourself with the function and operation of Lighting Balloons.



Certification Rehearsal Exam

Want to know how you would do on the ETCP Exam without the stress? One of the largest hurdles to achieving the ETCP Certification is the physical act of taking the exam.

Color Theory Fundamentals and the Set Lighting Technician

Working with digital cameras can create unique color challenges that may or may not be consistent when using different cameras or lighting equipment. This makes having a solid understanding of color theory important to all of us who handle and set up this gear, not just Programmers or CLTs.

ETCP Certification Focus Group

Interested in becoming ETCP Certified?

IBL-Working with Assimilate and KinoFlo's MIMIK

Image Based Lighting is an emerging and essential part of the Local 728 workflow. Using IBL, Local 728 members create realistic lighting effects that enhance the creativity of a scene in a fraction of the time it would normally take with greater flexibility.

PRG Ground Control Followspot Operator

The PRG GroundControl™ Followspot System gives a followspot operator the freedom to remotely operate a high output automated luminaire as a followspot from up to 2,000 feet away.

Safety Rights of Workers / Your Rights Under OSHA

OSHA guarantees workers the right to a safe and healthful workplace. However, what you need to know goes deeper than this one line and many people do not understand their rights or the responsibilities of the employer.

Test Taking & Certification Prep Seminar

Since most of us haven't taken an exam in years, this seminar is essential for members who are pursuing certification. We will be examining test-taking strategies, how to prepare for an exam, and what to expect when you get to the exam room.


Dimming Technology

Dimming Technology 101

Dimmers are an essential part of our electrical distribution systems with many of our sets and stages routinely having several hundred. Technology is constantly evolving to include forward-phase, reverse-phase, and sine wave dimming technology.


Lighting Consoles & Media Servers

EOS Family Lighting Consoles (ION XE) L1 & L2

The EOS Family of Lighting Consoles are popular in the motion picture/television industry. One of the benefits of learning this system is that the programming syntax is consistent across the entire line of consoles (EOS, GIO, ION).

EOS Family Lighting Consoles (ION XE) L3 & L4

This two day class builds on the skills learned in the L1 & L2 sessions.

grandMA3 Beginner Course

The grandMA3 Beginner course is designed for the new programmer or the professional programmer with little to no experience with grandMA2.

grandMA3 for grandMA2 Programmers

This class is specifically designed for grandMA2 programmers who want to transition to using the grandMA3. This is not an entry level course, so please only sign up if you have programming experience on the grandma2.

grandMA3 Intermediate Course

The Grand MA3 Intermediate course will introduce programmers to a few of the more advanced programming options of the Grand MA3 software. 

High End Systems Whole Hog 4 Class

This class is provided by ETC West.

There are a couple of requirements which we will confirm before enrolling you in the class.

1. You MUST be able to attend both days of the class. The class will be held each day from 9:30am - 4:00pm at ETC West in Burbank.

Lighting Console Programming 101

Lighting Console Programming is a job that requires more than just technical skill.

MBox Media Server-Skills Lab

This class will build on experience gained by programming shows and provide students with the opportunity to solve problems encountered on the job.

Media Servers & Digital Lighting

Digital lighting will open up new possibilities to the Motion Picture Industry.This technology allows Chief Lighting Technicians & Lighting Console Programmer to create lighting effects in the air, on the set, and on scenic surfaces that could not be previously accomplished.This technology is

Media Servers & Pixelmapping

Video-based lighting products are a valuable tool in the Gaffer’s pocket. This class is designed to show what video-based tools are available to enhance the lighting for set and is focused for gaffers, programmers, and aspiring media server techs.

ONYX Lighting Bootcamp Advanced Class (2-Day Class)

This class will provide further instruction on Elation's ONYX Lighting Console, one of the most flexible and new lighting console families that are being found on our stages and sets. These lighting consoles are becoming more common due to their flexibility and power in a small footprint.

ONYX Lighting Bootcamp Basic Class (2-Day Class)

This class will provide instruction on Elation's ONYX Lighting Console, one of the most flexible and new lighting console families that are being found on our stages and sets. These lighting consoles are becoming more common due to their flexibility and power in a small footprint.

The Role of the Lighting Programmer

This class is an entry level course designed to teach the fundamentals of being a lighting programmer. This is NOT a hands-on class.



Negotiation Foundations Workshop with Scotwork USA

The Negotiation Foundation Workshop demystifies the art of negotiation for negotiators of all ages and backgrounds. Delivered in an inspiring one-day format by expert Scotwork consultants, the workshop explains fundamental concepts, terminology and processes.

Negotiations Skills Seminar with Scotwork USA

Article 5 of the Basic Agreement and Article XIII of the Pay TV Agreements (Better Conditions) give us the right to negotiate for higher wages and better conditions than the minimum established in the contract.

ROBE RoboSpot Remote Followspot System

Remote Follow Spots are becoming very popular in several areas of our industry.

Soldering Lab (2 Day Class)

This class is the combination of both Local 728's hands-on Soldering Labs. Day One focuses on skills needed for technicians working with LED Assemblies. LED Assembly Technicians require top level soldering skills and the only way to get and maintain them is by doing the work.


Underwater Lighting

Underwater Lighting I: Essential Dive Skills and Techniques

This class focuses on Lighting Specific Dive Skills that are ESSENTIAL for working underwater. The underwater work of a Lighting Technician is significantly different than what is taught in recreational diving.

Underwater Lighting II: Equipment & Techniques

This course will instruct the Set Lighting Technician in the use of underwater/wet lighting equipment, GFCIs and associated equipment.Working with equipment underwater has its' own uniques set of challenges that the underwater lighting technician must be familiar with before taking the job.

Underwater Lighting III: Challenging Environments and Monkey Diving in the Funhouse

This class will focus on lighting and working on dressed sets, overhead environments, confined spaces; and otherwise difficult situations. We will be focusing on special techniques such as monkey diving, backplate only, and underwater streamlining.

Underwater Lighting IV: Lift Bags and Heavy Equipment

This is the fourth class in our Underwater Lighting series and will concentrate on using lift bags and other advanced skills to move heavy equipment underwater as well as continuing our work on advanced dive skills and knowledge for the underwater lighting technician.


Computer Skills Classes, Vendor Sponsored

Vectorworks Programmer's Lab with Len Levine

Kick up your Vectorworks skills or just come and see what it is all about with this Programmers LAB panel discussion featuring LEN LEVINE and his amazing work on Drafting, Modeling and Visualization.
