This class which will cover the basics of Electrical Theory for the Set Lighting Technician. We will cover conductors, insulators, electromagnetism, AC & DC power generation, transformers, parallel; series circuits, overcurrent protection, Ohm's Law, and more. This knowledge will give you the ability to understand how electricity works on a deeper level. This will make you more efficient on set and sets the groundwork for the advanced electrical knowledge which you need to make electricity work for you. This class features hands-on work with low voltage electrical kits and is followed up by the Electrical Calculations and Power Lab classes which will demonstrate these principles on a much larger scale using our equipment and power sources.
• This no longer a CSATTF-funded class so all members in Good Standing are eligible to attend.
• All signups are PENDING until eligibility status is confirmed with Local 728.
• This course is recommended for members preparating for the ETCP Certification exams.
• This is an entry-level class on electrical theory and application.
• Seating for this class is limited.
A LOTTERY, if necessary, will be held to determine placement in the class. Please check the Additional Information field for details concerning a lottery.
This class covers topics that are listed on the Body of Knowledge for the ETCP Electrical Certifications.