We are happy to announce that we will be presenting several Electrical Class in July. The following classes are now open for sign-ups: July 5 - [In Person] Electricity 101A July 6 - [In Person] 480V Power Systems July 7 - [In Person] Electrical Calculations July 12 - [In Person] Electricity 101A July 14 - [In Person] Electrical Calculations Both Charlie McIntyre and myself are ETCP Recognized Trainers so any member who is looking for recertification will receive double credits for any class we teach. Also later this month, we will have two online sessions in conjunction with Local 481. These classes will open for signups next week. Both of these sessions are tailored to the specifics of our industry and feature case studies from features shot in New England. These are essential knowledge for Chief Rigging Technicians, Assistant Rigging Technicians, and anyone interested in pursuing the ETCP Certification Exams. July 23 - [Online] Ground Fault Seminar with Guy Holt July 24 - [Online] Resistive Neutral Seminar with Guy Holt If the number of signups exceed the number of available seats we will hold a lottery. Masking and any additional COVID protocols required by the LA County Department of Health will be enforced. For more information and to sign-up for the classes, please visit the Local 728 website at: https://www.iatse728.org/members/lms Please remember that you must be signed in before you can register for the classes. Skills Taught Lighting Chief Rigging TechnicianElectrical Theory & Equipment BasicIntermediate