Image This will continue the learning path established in the Vectorworks Spotlight: Basic Skills class. In this course we will expand on some of the foundational skills learned in the first class and introduce new skills to enhance and support the motion picture and television industry.The use of the Vectorworks software will increase the efficiency in the areas of rigging, production, re-shoots and post-production. Using skills learned in the Vectorworks classes, crews will be to identify and solve interdepartmental issues, such as equipment from multiple departments trying to occupy the same physical space, in advance of the physical deployment of the Electrical Distribution and Lighting systems. This class will introduce more complexity into the lighting plots and introduce new skills, such as 3D rendering and revisualization. Upon completion of this and subsequent classes, members should be able to pass specific milestones in the Vectorworks Certification Program. Some future advanced classes will require certification before enrollment into the classes.IMPORTANT INFORMATION YOU MUST KNOW:• This CSATTF-funded class requires that you have completed all of your SAFETY PASS classes. You can check your status at• You may only take this course once within the CSATTF Training Eligibility Window (see Additional Information below for more details.)• Placement in this class is not guaranteed until your eligibility with CSATTF and Local 728 is confirmed.• Seating for this class is limited.• This class is the same as the first two days of our four-day Vectorworks Spotlight class.• You must be able to attend both days of the class.• A lottery may be required for this class (see Additional Information below for more details.) Skills Taught Lighting Lighting Draftsperson Vectorworks Basic Skills Training Category CAD/Previsualization Prerequisite Class(es) Lottery/Hold Prerequisite