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Good & Welfare


5-13-2020 We All Play Our Part: A Benefit For MPTF


As long as there was a Local 728, we have always supported the Motion Picture Television Fund. 
In 1921, Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford, D.W. Griffith and Douglass Fairbanks knew that Entertainment Industry workers only worked day-to-day, no pensions, no social security benefits to retire on. 
Starting with a simple coin box, passers by tossed in spare change. 

5-1-2020 C.A.R.E. calls


With the IATSE C.A.R.E.S. (Coronavirus Active Response and Engagement Service) program well underway, we are now ready to roll out the next phase: C.A.R.E. calls.

With C.A.R.E. calls, we are on a mission to check in with every member. In these calls volunteers provide members with information about the various support initiatives available through the international. We will be attempting to sign up more Members In Need for our delivery system and buddy system, as well as drive members to our Financial Aid and mental health non-profit partners.

4-28-2020 IAP withdrawal application deadline


  Just to remind everyone, this Friday May 1, 2020, applications will be made available for the one time IAP hardship withdrawal. 
Below you will find the parameters for applying. 
Individual Account Plan Hardship Withdrawal Participants who are vested in the Motion Picture Industry Individual Account (“IAP”) as of the year ended December 2019 may apply for a one-time only special early withdrawal of an elected amount of need of up to 20% of their 2018 IAP account balance but not to exceed a maximum dollar limit of $20,000.