4-21-2020 Los Angeles Labor Food Drives Sections Good & Welfare Read more about 4-21-2020 Los Angeles Labor Food Drives Los Angeles Labor Food Drives
4-20-2020 Notice of Passing: Philip Geary Sections Good & Welfare Read more about 4-20-2020 Notice of Passing: Philip Geary Brother Philip Geary, a 42 year member of Local 728 since January 28th, 1978, passed away at the age of 78, on February 15, 2020.
4-20-2020 Notice of Passing: Edward Thompson Sections Good & Welfare Read more about 4-20-2020 Notice of Passing: Edward Thompson Brother Edward Thompson, a 59 year member of Local 728 since June 12th, 1961, passed away at the age of 89 on March 18, 2020.
4-17-20 How to access Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) Sections Good & Welfare Read more about 4-17-20 How to access Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) Did you work as an Independent Contractor (IC), collected 1099s or operated your own business and you have no contributions with EDD?Here is an update on the PUA program. That program will begin accepting applications on April 28. At the Wednesday press conference both Governor Newsom and Labor Secretary Julie Su said that once applications are accepted it will take 1-2 days for people to get their monies. Below is a PowerPoint outlining the process
4-17-20 Food Deliveries for retired or disabled members Sections Good & Welfare Read more about 4-17-20 Food Deliveries for retired or disabled members
4-15-20 EDD and Certification FAQs Sections Good & Welfare Read more about 4-15-20 EDD and Certification FAQs EDD and Certification FAQs CA EDD is compatible with Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox. If you are experiencing difficulties with CA EDD UI Online, check your browser. The time of day and the volume of people filing may factor in the slowness the system down.
4-7-20 Seeking 2,000 volunteers Sections Good & Welfare Read more about 4-7-20 Seeking 2,000 volunteers Sisters, Brothers, Kin— As you know, the COVID-19 virus poses a significant risk to many of our members who are older, disabled, or immunocompromised. Additionally, many of our members are caretakers of others who fall into the at-risk category, and they simply cannot risk going to the store to get what they need. If that sounds like you, we wanted to let you know that we’ve created a system to have trusted IATSE volunteers help get you what you need, like groceries or prescriptions.
4-6-20 LA Unions Respond to COVID-19 Sections Good & Welfare Read more about 4-6-20 LA Unions Respond to COVID-19 The L.A. Labor Movement has shown true solidarity and fighting spirit during this time of crisis.
4-3-20 IATSE Mental Health Resources during COVID-19 Sections Good & Welfare Read more about 4-3-20 IATSE Mental Health Resources during COVID-19 Sisters, Brothers, Kin— We all know that times like these can put us in a bad place mentally. If you are hurting right now, just know that your Sisters, Brothers, and Kin (as well as so many others) love you and stand beside you. We wanted to take this opportunity to provide some resources that may help you through these difficult times: National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255