The Electrical Power Lab class will go in depth into the world of portable power distribution systems. Using the equipment that we use of set, we will examine the practical influences that electrical theory has on our work. We will take in in-depth look at common (though frequently under-estimated) problems like voltage drop and harmonics caused by non-linear loads. This class will help you to have a better understanding of how to make electricity work for you so your crew can be more efficient. This class is primarily taught through hands-on experiments and real-world scenarios.
This class covers topics that are listed as being in the content outline for the ETCP Entertainment Electrician Certification Exam.
- This CSATTF-funded class requires that you have completed all of your SAFETY PASS classes. You can check your status at https://portal.csatf.org/roster/general
- You may only take this course once within the CSATTF Training Eligibility Window (see Additional Information below for more details.)
- Placement in this class is not guaranteed until your eligibility with CSATTF and Local 728 is confirmed.
- Seating for this class is limited.
- Updates and notices about this class will be conducted via text message. If you do not wish to receive text messages regarding this class, please notify me as soon as possible.
A LOTTERY, if necessary, will be held for this class. Please see the Additional Information section below for more information.