Our sets are dependent on large and complex Lighting Control Systems. Individual control of 1000s of different lights and parameters is common. These complex lighting control systems can save hours of set up time each day when they are installed and managed properly. This course trains the Set Lighting Technician how to properly install, use, and maintain DMX networks. This information is the cornerstone for all of the lighting control systems required by the demands of our productions, both large and small.
Topics covered will be DMX terminology, addressing, Optisplitters, DMX cabling, the DMX signal, and DMX troubleshooting. This material is for any occupation within 728 from the CLT to LCP to the SLT.
This class covers topics that are listed as being in the content outline for the ETCP Entertainment Electrician Certification Exam.
- This CSATTF-funded class requires that you have completed all of your SAFETY PASS classes.
- You must not have taken this class within the past two years, including online classes funded by CSATTF.
- This is an entry-level DMX Networking Class intended for people with little to no experience.
- Seating for this class is limited.
- Updates and notices about this class will be conducted via text message. If you do not wish to receive text messages regarding this class, please notify me as soon as possible.
A LOTTERY, if necessary, will be held to determine placement in the class. Please check the Additional Information field for details concerning a lottery.