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High End Systems Whole Hog 4 Class


This class is provided by ETC West.

There are a couple of requirements which we will confirm before enrolling you in the class.

1. You MUST be able to attend both days of the class. The class will be held each day from 9:30am - 4:00pm at ETC West in Burbank.

2. You should have some understanding of lighting consoles but not an advanced or highly experienced Whole Hog programmer.

There will be only one person per console, which is always a plus.

Please arrive early (9:00am is ideal) so the class can start on time.

The class will take place at ETC West in Burbank.

Day 1 offers an introduction or review section, covering navigation, patching, and palettes to cue lists and playback options. Day 2 will cover intermediate level features in the morning and more advanced programming features in the afternoon. For specifics, please visit….