Study: Profits Are Soaring, But American Workers Won’t See Much Of It

Despite soaring corporate profits, and the lowest unemployment rate in sixteen years, millions of workers shouldn’t expect to see much in the way of raises next year, according to a new survey released on Monday. The survey of a thousand companies by global professional services company Aon suggests that U.S. workers should only expect a base pay increase of three percent in 2018 and incentives and bonuses at the lowest levels since 2013. Forty percent of companies said they are actually reducing or eliminating raises for workers they feel are underperforming. While the AFL-CIO reports that worker pay has stagnated for the last fifty years, things are much rosier for one group of employees: an Associated Press report earlier this year reveals that compensation for CEOs at S&P 500 companies jumped nearly 20% in 2016, to a median income of 11.5 million dollars.



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