
L.A. County Federation of Labor Report 10-17-16

Los Angeles County Federation of Labor- 10-17-2016
Rev Francisco Garcia gave the invocation. New members were sworn in.
CNA (nurses) has a strike sanction to picket Antelope Valley Hospital.
JJJ, HHH, Prop55, Measure M, Hillary Clinton, and Janice Hahn and Katherine
Barger are on the Fed list for this election.
Rusty Hicks reported on the stakes in the election. He wants issues first and
candidates second. Good jobs for families. Rusty asked - who do you want to
choose the new Supreme Court? He spoke about the need to make trips and

Prop 55 Prevents School Cuts, Keeps California Moving in Right Direction

California’s comeback from the brink of financial ruin during the Great Recession is one of the greatest success stories in a generation. While states like Kansas and Wisconsin responded to budgetary uncertainty by cutting education funding with disastrous results, California voters took a different approach, enacting Prop 30 in 2012 to boost school funding to shrink class sizes, hire teachers, bolster community colleges and fund children’s health care.

Proposition 54: Not What it Seems

Too good to be true?  Probably is.  Proposition 54 is another example of the adage.  Pledging to bring more transparency to the legislative process, this proposition simply provides another tool for moneyed interests to stop progressive policies in California.  Sponsored by billionaire Charles Munger and wealth manager (and former legislator) Sam Blakslee, this Constitutional Amendment would require all legislation to be in print for 72 hours prior to being voted on.  Any interest could sue


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