
CWA-IBEW Verizon Strike Against Corporate Greed Is In Tenth Day - 04-22-16

 Corporate greed versus doing the right thing by your workers is at the heart of the Verizon strike. Thirty-nine thousand CWA and IBEW workers are in the tenth day of their strike. Senator Bernie Sanders, who is endorsed for president by the CWA, spoke to workers on the Verizon picket lines in New York City. [Chant]: "Bernie! Bernie. Read More...

Preparing For A Strike, UPS Pilots Open Strike Center As End Of Federal Mediation Approaches - 04-21-16

 UPS pilots have opened a Strike Operations Center to serve as the union pilots nerve center in the event of a strike. The Independent Pilots Association says that after five years of bargaining, including two years of intensive federal mediation it's crunch time for pilots at UPS.

Verizon is offshoring jobs, records say

Verizon has been moving call center work overseas, and IT jobs may be shifting as well.
A key issue raised by labor unions in their weeklong strike against Verizon is the offshoring of work. The unions say Verizon has plans to send more jobs overseas. Verizon isn't saying what it is doing in this respect, but there is a paper trail of documents filed by its employees that point to offshoring. Read more


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