
7-20-2020 IATSE Road Show - Virtual Edition

The IATSE Education Department is hosting the first virtual IATSE Road Show – Why Unions Matter: How Worker Power builds an economy that creates jobs, raises wages, and promotes a better quality of life for All.

Everyday unions and their members are under attack. While corporate profits and executive salaries soar, American workers face disappearing pensions, increased hours and declining wages.

7-14-2020 UI Benefits Crucial For Entertainment Families


We are the middle class behind-the-scenes workers that create American entertainment – almost all of whom found ourselves out of work overnight due to COVID-19. Our industry will continue to be disproportionately impacted by this crisis, as there will need to be safety restrictions and limitations imposed upon mass gatherings for the foreseeable future.

7-14-2020 Extending $600 weekly unemployment insurance (UI) federal supplement to state benefits

As most of you are keenly aware, the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation authorized by the CARES Act – the $600 weekly unemployment insurance (UI) federal supplement to state benefits – expires on July 31st without Congressional action. The HEROES Act, which passed the House of Representatives on May 15, extends the CARES Act’s UI provisions through January 2021, but the bill has not been taken up by the Senate. The HEROES Act also addresses most of IATSE’s subsequent COVID-19 legislative priorities.


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IATSE, Local 728

Studio Electrical Lighting Technicians

1001 W. Magnolia Blvd.

Burbank, CA 91506

(818) 954-0728


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Local 728 Bulletin

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