
California Labor Applauds 100 Percent Legislators Who Stand with Working People, Fight Trump’s Attacks

The California Labor Federation released its Force for Progress legislative scorecard for 2018 today, applauding those in the state legislature who voted to support working people on key priorities like strengthening the middle class, fighting sexual and racial discrimination in the workplace, affordable housing, infrastructure investment, protection of immigrant workers and other worker issues 100 percent of the time during last year’s legislative session.

5 Reasons the CA Legislature Must Say Yes on AB 5

In last April’s landmark, unanimous California Supreme Court ruling in the Dynamex case, the court delivered one of the most pro-worker decisions in decades, enshrining a simple A-B-C test that employers must comply with to designate workers as “independent contractors.” The ruling was made necessary by the growing trend of corporations calling workers contractors just so they wouldn’t be on the hook to provide basic protections like unemployment insurance or workers’ compensation.


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