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Political Action

political action

When working women stand together, we crush the gender pay gap


Consider all of the work you accomplished in 2016. From January 1 to December 31, think about the projects, meetings, your progress. Now imagine someone told you that your coworkers got their full check on December 31 for all of their similar work, but you have to work until July 31, 2017 to bring home the same pay.

This is why today is symbolic. July 31 represents the number of days Black women have to work into 2017 in order to earn the same pay white men earned for similar work in 2016. Let that sink in for a minute. We’re more than half way done with 2017.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren: Republican Effort To Rip Away Healthcare From Millions Is Ugly And Immoral


U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren says the Republican efforts to destroy Obamacare piecemeal through a “skinny” repeal isn’t a compromise and will destroy the most critical parts of the Affordable Care Act.

If Republicans are successful, she says, health insurance will be unaffordable for millions of people – especially those with pre-existing conditions.

[Sen. Elizabeth Warren]: “This isn’t a more moderate version of the Republican’s ugly plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act. This isn’t compromise.

Pension Fairness Bill For Federal Workers Would Restore Some Of The $182 Billion They’ve Lost


Federal employees since 2010 have given up $182 billion in earnings. You heard that right – $182 billion.

Randy Erwin, President of the National Federation of Federal Employees union, says for some members of Congress that federal worker financial sacrifice isn’t enough. Erwin says the GOP Congress continues to “push for cuts to federal employee retirement to provide tax relief for the wealthy.”