
Fast Food Workers, NAACP And Alabama Legislative Black Caucus Suit Alleges Voting Rights Act Violation

A lawsuit against the state of Alabama for blocking the city of Birmingham's minimum wage increase alleges that the state violated the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Fast food workers, the NAACP, Greater Birmingham Ministries and Alabama's Legislative Black Caucus are plaintiffs in the suit.

Fed Up with Fast-Food Wages, Dayton Auto Workers Plan to Join UAW

Facing Pay as Low as $8.50/Hour, Workers Who Make Auto Parts for Ford, GM, Toyota and Mercedes Vow to Do Whatever It Takes to Win Fair Pay, Good Jobs to Lift Local Economy

Dayton, Ohio – Auto parts workers at the Creative Foam plant in Dayton, who are paid as little as $8.50/hour, announced on Thursday that they are seeking to join the UAW in an effort to win higher wages and improve working conditions.

Chicago Workers To Get Guaranteed Paid Sick Leave in 2017 - 42% Don't Have It Now

It's still a year away, but in July of 2017 Chicago workers will get guaranteed paid sick leave. The Chicago City Council voted to approve the paid sick leave. Workers will be able to get up to five days of paid sick leave per year. Forty-two percent of Chicago workers have no paid sick days, according to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. Read More...


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